I lean forward, scooping one hand under her hips and pulling her up higher. She wraps her legs around my back, and I pound into her.
The new angle is going to drive her absolutely crazy.
“Here’s the thing, love,” I say, my breath harsh and hissing between each word. “I am. Not. Wrong.”
I press down on her clit at the same time as I lean down, pressing a kiss on her lips. She gasps as the orgasm swamps her, and I can feel her tight walls tugging on my cock, draining me as I steal the scream from her mouth.
When I come, it feels like the stars themselves have realigned for us. It rips over me, taking my own sanity as I pour everything I have, everything I am, into Gia.
I’m not sure how much time passes as we stay connected, my hips flat against hers, our bodies one. I’m staring down into her eyes, daring her to say I’m wrong.
That she doesn’t love me too.
Gia’s staring back. Her cheeks are flushed. I can see tracks where tears have come down her cheeks. With one of my hands, I gently wipe one of them away.
She sighs. “Okay. Fine. I love you too.”
The smile that blooms across my face is so filled with joy, I want to shout. “Was that so hard to admit?”
“Yes, you giant oaf.” She wiggles a little, but the movement makes us both moan.
“Unless you want to go again, I’d advise you to stop.” I smile.
Gia snorts. “And I’d advise you… yeah. Maybe we need a minute,” she whispers.
Gently, I extract myself from her. I get a towel to clean her up, but Gia waves a hand. “Make me a bath. And get in it with me.”
I smile. “Done.”
* * *
Not twenty minutes later, I’m holding her in the bathtub. There are so many bubbles that I can’t see her beautiful curves, but I feel them against me, and I’m not going to hide it.
The fact that she’s cuddled into my chest makes me very, very hard.
Gia plays with the bubbles in front of us. “I do love you, Sal,” she says finally.
“I know.”
“You didn’t know.”
“I knew the minute you were in my arms after Belarus.”
I can’t see her face, but I’m sure she’s making that cute little frown that she makes when she doesn’t think I know what I’m talking about.
“I knew every time you asked to spend the night in my room. I knew from when I kissed you in Prague. I’ve always known, Gia Rossi, that you’re the one for me. Mostly because I know that you love me.”
“I literally tried to dump you. Multiple times.”
“And if you ever try it again, I’ll take you up on it,” I warn her.
Gia sighs and melts into my arms. “What else do you know about me that I don’t know?”
“Nothing. That was it. You’re an amazing woman, Gia. You’re my queen and I’ll do anything for you. But all I ask…” I shuffle, shifting her so my lips are next to her cheek. “All I ask is that you love me.”
“Fine. I can do that,” she grumbles.