“What, you want to call it something else? Like making…”
“Okay, thanks, sis.” I visibly shudder. “I’m going to crawl into a hole.”
“I think Gia can help you with that,” Caterina snorts.
“Oh God. Please stop.”
She sighs. “Remember how Dad used to talk about his grandpa being in World War Two, and how nervous he was before he got off the boat in France?”
“Yeah,” I mutter.
“I hate to say it Sal, but this is it. The boat is done. The shore is in front of you. Get off of it and just get it over with. D-Day can only happen once, so might as well get in there.” She nods.
“I’m also going to pretend you didn’t refer to my… to Gia and I as D-Day.”
“Whatever floats your boat, brother,” she laughs before she turns, Luna’s voice summoning her from another floor.
I watch her go. My baby sister is hardly a baby anymore, but the way she knows how to annoy me?
That will never get old. And probably never go away.
She’s right though.
I’m wasting time just sitting here in the hallway. The place I need to be is inside that room, with the woman that I love.
Gia and I have always been doing this kind of dance.
But, when we were in Ireland, I realized that the thing that has always worked between us isn’t begging or pleading.
It isn’t a bargain or negotiation or trying to change Gia in the slightest. Gia doesn’t want me to be weak for her. She doesn’t need me to be the one who is asking her what to do.
Most of the time, Gia knows exactly what to do.
But now, like all the other times when it’s been just us?
She doesn’t.
So, the thing that works between us isn’t up for debate or negotiation.
It’s me.
Telling Gia what to do.
Telling her to take her pleasure.
And in that…
I always take mine.
My body settles into a strange kind of stillness as I reach for the handle. I turn it and propel myself into the room, shutting and locking the door behind me.
The sound echoes in a very weird way as I survey the room.
Inside, it’s very still. The door closing is definitely the loudest sound that happened, and for a minute, I wonder if Gia is even breathing.
The bed rustles slightly, though, which lets me know that she’s in there. The room is just so quiet…
And dark.