“Is that a good thing?”

“No,” he grunts.

I turn back to the target, hitting the button that will pull it back out into the space. I aim my pistol at the target, emptying another magazine into it.

“So, what are you shooting?”

“Nothing specific.”

“A certain Irish bastard?”

I lower the weapon and look back at Elio. “Why do you ask?”

“He left; you know.”

I blink.

“Liam MacAntyre. Left a phone number and walked right on out. Asked for Stassi Novikov’s number too.”

“Did you give it to him?”

Elio shrugs. “Si, I did.”


“If he marries the Russian girl, he’ll stay away from the women in my family, no?”

It’s a little brutal, maybe even ruthless.

But it is practical as hell.

“Stassi isn’t what you think,” I say.

Elio shrugs. “Are any of the women in our world?”

I don’t answer that.

He sighs again and sits on the metal bench next to me. “Marry Gia.”


He looks up at me. “You’re going to knock up my sister and not marry her?”

“I would if she would let me,” I sigh.

Elio nods. He puts his hands on his knees.

“You know, Gia sometimes gets in her own way.”

“You don’t say?”

“You can’t tell her what to do. You can’t change her mind. But the thing about Gia is that, pretty reliably, she can be convinced.”


He nods. “For my dad, it was money. He could buy her anything and she’d be happy to do what he asked. My mom would bring her to the spa to get her nails done. For me, I’m her twin, so I just have to annoy her into it.”

“And this has what to do with me?”