“Elio!” I shout.
He pauses.
“It wasn’t Liam,” I say softly.
It takes Elio a solid ten seconds to understand. His eyes go wide, then narrow.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Sal?”
I nod.
The Italian curses are back. This time, they’re mostly directed at the people in the Rossi and De Luca families, and our inability to use reliable birth control.
Finally, he seems to remember that I’m there, and that I told him I’m pregnant.
Elio comes over to me. “Are you well?”
“I’m fine. For real.”
“And Sal…”
“He knows. He’s fine with whatever I choose.”
Elio snorts. “He better be.”
“I’m having the baby.”
His eyes go soft. “Gia…”
“But Elio, I don’t want to be limited to one thing. I want to have the baby. I want to run the Rossi gang with you. I want to be able to fight and flirt and fuck?—”
He cringes at that, which I do find hilarious, “And do whatever I need in order to make myself happy.”
“You want to run the organization.”
I freeze.
I’ve never actually told him that before.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
There’s genuine relief in his voice.
My mouth opens. It shuts. It opens again. “That’s it, just why?"
“Yes. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
I blink. “Um. Because I thought you’d laugh at me like Dad did?”
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. No, Gia,” he sits, with relief crossing his face. “I want you to be my equal. We can divide it. We can each take a section. We can do whatever it takes. I’m so fucking tired of doing this alone. I want to spend time with Caterina and the children. I want to be able to fucking relax sometimes.”
“Oh,” I whisper. “I thought you only wanted to do that when the babies were born.”
He shakes his head. “No. If you are offering help, I want it. Two siblings. Together. That sounds remarkably wonderful, don’t you think?”