“How are the babies?”
“Doing well,” he murmurs. “Caterina is such a fantastic mother. Every day I am in awe of her.”
Of course she is. The stark contrast between us pulses. Caterina is the perfect mother.
I’m not.
“That’s good. Congratulations.”
“You sound less than thrilled.”
I look up at him. “Not at all, Elio. Really. I’m so happy for you. You have everything you wanted. You have Caterina. You have three beautiful children. Good for you, making all your dreams come true.”
I shut my eyes, because even I can tell that comment was a little bitter.
My brother’s arms wrap around me. I relax, sagging into his hug.
Elio is my best friend. He’s the only person in the world, aside from Sal, that I trust.
I love him like he’s a piece of my own heart.
So, when he hugs me, I can’t hold the tears back anymore.
I start sobbing.
It takes forever, but when I’m done, Elio leans back. “Do you want me to have Sal killed?”
I blink. “What? No.”
“Is he the source of your pain? I can have him killed. In an instant.”
“First of all, that would make Caterina very upset,” I say with my eyebrow raised.
Elio shrugs. “She would understand.”
“Second, you lunatic, no. Even if Sal is the source of my pain… he’s also the source of all my joy.”
Elio tilts his head.
I let my hand drift to my stomach. “Don’t freak out. And don’t kill anyone.”
“No promises.”
“Okay, then no truths.”
“Gia,” he sighs.
“Fine. But seriously, no murders. Pinky swear.” I hold up my hand, hoping the childish gesture pulls him out of his funk.
Elio groans but shakes my pinky. “Fine. Pinky swear, no murders.”
“I’m pregnant.”
A flood of curses in Italian and English pours out of Elio’s mouth. He leaps up off the bed, roaming back and forth in the room.
He spins. “I’ll fucking kill that Irish shit.”
“You said no murders.”