Sal doesn’t answer. His eyes, however, are drilling into mine with an intensity that’s so powerful, I almost can’t look back at him.
I don’t have an answer.
I can’t.
I have to.
I can’t.
I must.
My stomach tightens, and I put a hand on my abdomen.
Sal rises. He looks down at me.
There’s something simmering in his gaze that looks a lot like a word somewhere close to wrath.
I ache to have him look at me with the love that he once had.
But from the way he’s looking at me now…
I think I might have ruined that entirely.
“You need to decide,” Sal says roughly. “And Gia, I don’t want to be left out of my kid’s life. Even if you marry him. I want to be the father that… I want to be something to my child,” he grunts.
God, the pain in his voice is absolutely killing me.
For the first time, I realize something.
Sal has been unwaveringly on my side.
He’s been my biggest fan. My most devoted follower.
He’s lifted me up every step of the way and I’ve never, ever, not once, doubted the fact that Sal cares about me.
But the way he’s looking at me now…
Abruptly, Sal turns. He marches out the door, which slams shut behind him.
I shut my eyes.
I think I might have broken Sal De Luca. For good.
And I’ve never been really good at fixing anything.
Especially not when it comes to saying things like “I’m sorry’ and ‘I was wrong.’
And, even most especially, ‘Please forgive me.’