“You sure you weren’t feeling bad?”

“Can it,” I mutter. “I’m fine now.”

I curl around my stomach, ever so slightly, and Sal’s eyes drift down to my abdomen.

“We haven’t talked about this,” he says softly.

I shut my eyes.

I don’t have any other way to stem the tears that are pressing at the edges of my eyes.

We haven’t talked about it because we didn’t have a chance.

Because we didn’t have any time alone yet.

Because I haven’t told Elio, and I assume Sal hasn’t either, and neither one of us is willing to tell him without talking about it first.

But we don’t want to do that either.



I laugh softly. This is what it’s like with us.

Always on the same page.

Never at the right time.

“I want the baby,” I say.

The words echo in the room. I haven’t said them out loud. It’s a little late now, certainly, but I realize that I definitely want to keep this little kiddo.

Sal nods. “Okay.”

“And I don’t know what else I want,” I say.


“Because I still want to have the whole thing. The organization. I want to be the boss. I want to live here. I want to live in Italy. I want to take a plane all over the world. I want to stay home. I want…” My voice trails off.

Sal’s silence is looming.

“I don’t know what I want,” I say honestly.

The truth is, I want everything. But what I want more than anything in the world is to be…


Whoever that is.

Maybe it changes. Maybe I am never just one thing.

But right now, the thing that I want is to be Gia Rossi, and I don’t know how to do that anymore.

“Will you marry him?”

I look over. “Liam?”