“Fuck,” Elio says, ducking down. “We need to split up. Irish, you come with me. Grab the girl and let’s go. Sal, take Gia and get the fuck out of here,” he shouts. “We’ll meet back at the airstrip.”
The airstrip is about ten miles back down the road.
I don’t question him. I just obey.
I grab Gia by the waist, hauling her up on the ATV. I seat her in front of me. I put the helmet on her head, not bothering to be delicate about it.
The ATV roars to life, and I hit the throttle.
We scream away. While the trail flies by us, my mind is swirling through all of the dozens of things that I want to say.
There aren’t enough words in my mind to describe how I feel right now.
Seeing Gia alive? Whole? Fine? It’s a huge relief. When I first saw her pop out of that truck, I had never been more relieved in my entire life.
I’ve also never been angrier.
She looks like hell. She got kidnapped. Twice. By two different, very dangerous, people.
I want to tell her how I feel about her. I want to tell her everything…
The ATV jerks, tossing us both sideways. I hold Gia, trying to keep us both on the stupid thing.
“Fuck,” I mutter.
It’s blown a tire.
I hit the brake before it can throw both of us off, and I grab Gia. She pulls off the helmet. “Stop manhandling me, asshole!”
“Come with me,” I say, grabbing her hand.
But she doesn’t take her hand away from mine.
Vaguely, I remember that we passed some horse stalls down the road. I pray that we’re close enough to get there…
I smell them before I see them. “Bingo,” I mutter.
Gia tenses. “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m not supposed to ride a horse when I’m…”
She pauses.
She looks up at me.
I know what she’s about to say, but she doesn’t say it.
“You can ride a horse while pregnant, Gia,” I murmur to her. “You were a champion equestrian in high school. Remember?”
Her eyes widen, but I don’t take the bait, instead, I grab her and pull her forward. “It’s the only way out.”
Gia looks at me for a minute longer, then nods.