I shut the shower off and grab a towel. I wrap the towel around myself, getting out of the shower.
This is definitely someone else’s hair. It’s way longer than mine and stick straight, but dark brown, maybe even black.
I’ve never been so happy to see someone else’s hair in the shower.
I dress quickly in some of the clothes provided for me, wondering if these also belong to the other woman.
It’s highly possible. If that’s true, she’s somewhere around my height, with curves similar to mine.
I try to not pay attention, though, to the way that the pants stretch across my stomach.
There’s definitely a baby in there. And it’s about to get harder and harder to hide that.
I have got to get the fuck out of here.
But how can I find this other person? Is she a prisoner like I am?
Or is she in on it? She’s voluntarily here?
I can’t count on any of those things.
I’ve been in Brazil for about a week when the pattern of the people around me becomes clear.
The guards switch at three-hour intervals. They watch a bunch of telenovelas in Brazilian Portuguese, for several hours.
They are truly terrible guards.
Which makes me think that we’re probably in some kind of remote area.
If they’re not worried about someone coming up to the house and have the time to lay around and not do anything but watch telenovelas, then there’s some other security involved.
I don’t think there’s an army posted around us. I think we’re probably on some kind of estate in Brasilia.
That would explain the security lapse.
Meals all come in on a truck, delivered from what I assume is a catering company. That’s probably my best bet for escape.
The meal truck is my ticket out of here.
Other than the guards, I don’t see another soul. Haven’t all week.
But there’s another woman here.
Step one, find her.
Step two, convince her that I’m just a run of the mill pregnant lady, and I need some goddamn help to get out of here.
Step three…
Today, after I’ve dressed and I’m ready to go on my usual wander, I wander around the house, eying it for weaknesses or places that I’ve missed in terms of assessing the structure for possible ways to escape. I have renewed interest in this now because I feel like I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Except, in order to achieve step three of my plan, I need to find a way out. Poking around the house, that’s what I’m looking for.
To my knowledge… yeah. There’s nothing. No hidden escape routes