“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “This might hurt.”
It does. It very much does.
I clench my teeth against the pain. The tubes are out, and O’Malley is handing me some clothes.
“Here,” he says, “Take these.”
He pulls at a drawer and grabs a pistol. The sound of yelling, and the echo of gunshots, is much louder now.
“Where are we?” I ask in a hissed whisper.
“Dublin. If you can get…”
He doesn’t finish the sentence.
The door explodes open in a haze of smoke and dust. I scream and duck, trying to hide underneath the gurney. There are two shots. A yell. A grunting noise that sounds suspiciously like someone being choked.
Then, silence.
Hiding under the hospital gurney, I’m shaking. My breath feels like it’s too loud. I know that they can hear me.
There’s no way they can’t.
There are three sets of feet in the room. Three men.
I’m going to have to shove the bed on them. Then I’ll have a chance to run.
I shut my eyes.
I shove.
There’s a bunch of male grunts, and then I’m running. I sprint down the hallway, wearing my hospital gown, my boobs wiggling underneath them. I’m so thankful for the pants, I think that I could kiss Liam’s uncle.
I can see the end of the hall. I book toward it, my feet slapping on the hospital tile.
I’m almost there. I can touch the door. I reach my fingers forward…
There are arms around my middle.
I grunt, aware that they’re pushing down on my lower belly. I curl back, lessening the pressure there.
No one is going to hurt my fucking baby.
I kick and scream, scratching at the person with everything I have. Based on the scratchy outfit, though, he’s wearing some kind of tactical gear…
“Puta,” the man hisses.
I’ll fucking show you a bitch.
I twist, ready to scratch at his ears, when there’s a sharp pain in my neck.
Like a needle, plunging into my flesh.