“Means that you’ve got extreme morning sickness.”

I laugh. “Okay well. I didn’t need to go to the doctor to know that.”

“You did, though, because you were on a fast path to organ failure if you didn’t.”

“Oh,” I say softly.

“Yes. Oh.”

“How can I fix it?”

He shrugs. “Might go away on its own soon. Past nine weeks, it diminishes somewhat. I’ve given you fluids and some anti-nausea drugs. You’ll be up to eating soon enough.”

I grimace. “Will I?”

“That’s the idea, darlin’.”

I lean back in the bed again and sigh. “So did I already screw this whole parenting thing up?”

“Oh, sweetheart,” Dr. O’Malley says. I peek at him, and he’s looking at me with genuine kindness. “You’ve been doin’ the best you can, or so I hear.”

“Yeah. And now I have hyperemesis gravidarium.”

“Something you never would have known or been able to control for. No one knows why some women get it and some don’t. Just part of the process.”

I shut my eyes. “I’m not prepared for this,” I whisper.

“Being a mother? Or being married to my Liam?”

I peek at him. “Your Liam?”

“Aye. He didn’t tell you about me, then?”

My eyes widen. “You’re the uncle.”

His chest puffs up. “One and the same, love.”

“You’re the reason he’s not a total sociopath.”

O’Malley’s eyes go soft. “Well, I tried.”

“You did a good job. Really,” I say.

He gives me a little half grin. “As will you. The two of you, I presume?”

“Who do you mean?”

“You and my Liam.”

“Oh.” I nod. “Yeah. He’s… he’s going to be the dad.”

“He’s a good boy,” the doctor says. “Now, let’s get you something to eat…” he turns, ready to grab a tray that’s behind him on the counter.

But, in that time, something happens.

I hear gunshots.

O’Malley and I recognize the noise at the same time. He dashes over to me and starts to pull the IV out of my arm.