“Gia,” he says.
God, he sounds kind of frantic. Idly, I feel motion, like someone is gripping my arms.
If I knew how, I’d giggle, because it feel so silly that someone would be holding my arms and I don’t even know what they’re doing.
“Gia. Stay with me,” Liam’s voice sounds high-pitched. I should probably reassure him. That’s what a wife does, right?
Fuck, I wish it was Sal with me.
As Liam’s voice fades into the darkness, I let myself think of Sal.
I miss him so fucking much, it feels like it’s part of my body. Like I’m growing my pain, just as quickly as I’m growing the baby inside me.
The darkness takes me.
And Sal’s face is the only thing I see.
* * *
The dreams of Sal fade away. In their place, an annoying beeping sound, and bright, blinding lights, appear.
Groggily, I try to figure out what the hell shifted. I cling to the memories of Sal like they’re some kind of lifeline.
There are more voices around me.
Ones I don’t recognize.
“Where am I?”
The question is on my lips as I blink, opening my eyes and looking around.
“Ireland, darlin’,” an older man’s voice says.
I shuffle up before groaning and flopping back down. “Why am I in Ireland?”
“Because you passed out and Liam MacAntyre is not the type of man who lets a woman pass out on him.”
I blink again.
The world around me swims into focus. There’s an older man, presumably a doctor if his white coat is anything to go by, in front of me.
He’s staring at me.
So, I stare at him.
“How are you feeling?”
I look down, frowning.
I’m in a hospital bed. In a hospital gown. There’s an IV in my arm that’s steadily dripping fluids into my body.
But I feel a little better. “Um. Well, if I felt like I was at a zero beforehand, I feel like I’m probably a three now?”
“That’s good. Strong improvement. I’d take a three over a zero any day,” the older man says.
“Who are you, again?”