Please come home. I need you.
Sal, I’m scared.
Please come back.
I slam my head back against the wall.
I missed the birth of my new niece and nephew. And my sister needed me.
But I missed it.
I’m sulking, pissed at myself, when I hear a knock.
There’s someone at the door.
I grab my gun and march toward the door, pointing it down and out of the way.
No one knows about this place, I reassure myself.
The knocking, however, is loud.
Like someone knows I’m here.
I get next to the door. I’m still trying to bank on the fact that no one knows I’m here, when a very, very familiar voice floats through the door.
“Sal! I gave birth a week ago and I had to drag my butt all the way out here and if you don’t open up I’m going to lose my mind!”
I take my finger off the trigger and toss the gun down. I open the door.
Caterina is standing in front of me. She looks like hell. Her hair is up in a messy bun, her skin is really pale. Her eyes are kind of watery, and she’s holding herself against the doorframe like it hurts to stand.
I’ve never been happier to see my sister in my whole entire life.
For just a minute, I don’t care how she got here. I don’t care why.
I’m just so happy to see her that I want to collapse.
“Cat…” I start.
She pushes in and wraps her arms around me.
And starts sobbing.
Cautiously, I put my arms up and hold her. “Um. Hi?”
“You’re so mean, Salvatore De Luca!”
Uh-oh. It’s never good when Caterina uses my full name. I cringe, ready for the lecture that’s definitely about to follow.
Caterina pulls back, her eyes streaming tears. “You are the worst out of all my brothers! I hate you! Why the heck did you do that?”
“Do what?”