“Cool. Totally cool. I think Sal and I need to bounce, but again. You’re going to just be the cutest couple,” Stassi says with a little wrinkle of her nose.
“Come on, Sal,” she smiles.
“Follow them,” Liam barks at his red headed henchman.
The last thing I want to do is turn my back on them. On Gia. On the baby I know she’s carrying.
My heart slams against my ribs. How is this fucking real? My skin feels hot. My muscles refuse to move, and my knees are locked.
I open my mouth.
Shut it.
I stare at Gia.
She stares back. Her hand snakes into Liam’s, and she squeezes it.
Her eyebrow arches at me. Like she’s daring me to prove her wrong.
Like she’s daring me to do something.
That, more than anything, makes my heart feel like it’s being shredded.
Gia is fucking with me. She’s playing some kind of fucking game. I have no doubt that she doesn’t really love Liam, and she’s just making him play whatever tune she has in her head. She’s going to walk out of this someday, head held high, bullets raining down around her like hail, but she’s going to be fine.
Gia has a plan.
Which means that ultimately, my deepest fear is true.
Gia doesn’t care about me. She’s never cared about me the way that I care about her.
She doesn’t love me.
It’s that final thought that decimates me.
My chest feels like it’s been broken in half, shredded more effectively than any bullet ever could. I’m barely breathing, and when Stassi tugs me toward the dock and the boat, I just follow her.
The red-haired mother fucker follows us the whole way. He has a pump-action shotgun, with two rounds chambered.
I wonder if I’d be able to swing on him before he can unload one of them…
There’s no point in going over this again in my mind. Gia made her choice. Even if she doesn’t feel anything for the Irish fuck, she’s not choosing me.
She’s choosing the life she always wanted.
I’m the idiot who thought she would change for him.
It’s my fault. She told me exactly who she was. Exactly what she wanted.
I’m the one who fucking believed her.
Stassi gives all kinds of orders in Danish that I’m barely tracking on. Somehow, the boat is pulling away from the dock. I’m still halfway impressed that we haven’t been shot.