I shake my head. “What happens when they find out you’re gone?”
“Um, do you think that any one of them is going to freely admit to my dad that they lost me?”
She has an excellent point.
“That’s pretty clever,” I say slowly.
Stassi shrugs. “I’m just so over it. Daddy doesn’t need to put me under lock and key, you know?”
“You do know that Gia rescued you from the Irish in a warehouse in Belarus?”
“Duh,” she rolls her eyes. “How do you think I met her? Or why I’m here? I owe her. A life for a life. That’s the code, right?”
“Right,” I observe slowly.
Stassi Novikov might be a little more competent than I gave her credit for.
She nods. “So. You think they took Gia north.”
“According to the harbor log, yes.”
“Did they give coordinates?”
She gives me another look. “So there’s like, a couple of ways to look for this. They might have registered the RFID under a false name, that’s tagging the cargo. They also need to have some kind of declaration of goods for customs, and if they were carrying anything good, someone should have had a UIID card,” Stassi says in a very matter-of-fact tone.
All I can do is gape at her.
“I think that if they were trying to like, be under the radar, that they would totally fake the RFID that they registered. But also like people aren’t super smart when they do that, so there might be a pattern we can look for in the name…” she trails off after looking at me. “What?”
“How do you know all of that?”
“Do you think I just like, don’t pay attention when Daddy and all of my uncles talk?”
I open my mouth. Shut it. Open it again. “Yeah but… I didn’t think you’d pay attention.”
“Why. Because I’m blonde?”
Because until right now I thought you were shallower than a kiddie pool. “No. Your hair color has nothing to do with it.”
“Well. Like I said. My money’s on the RFID being false, and maybe even the UIID.”
“Can you figure those things out?”
Stassi rolls her eyes at me again. “Duh. Why did you think I agreed to this?”
“To make your debt with Gia even.”
“But like, you didn’t think that I could figure out how to do that? I need to save her for it to be even. Right?”
She’s not wrong. “Right.”
Stassi proceeds to unwrap a piece of gum, then smacks it in her mouth. Loudly. “'Kay. So to even the score, I need to save her.”
“Cool. So, I’m going to save her,” Stassi says.