She’s willowy, tall with long limbs like a model, and even though she’s wearing a black sweater dress that covers everything up, she moves in a way that seems more than a little bit sexual.

Her eyes are the ice blue of her father, and her hair is so blonde it’s almost white.

Stassi is the exact opposite of Gia. In every way.

Most people do think that she’s beautiful, and that’s pretty easy to see.

But all I can do is just appreciate that she’s pretty. Like one would find a monument beautiful, or a work of art.

Stassi does nothing for me.

She smiles, and I swear the group of high-school aged boys beside me fall apart. “Stassi,” I say by way of greeting, taking her bags.

“Oh thank god. I would have been so pissed if you called me Anastasia.”

I gesture her out of the airport. I’m aware that she’s drawing attention, and that’s the type of thing that we don’t need right now.

Stassi gets in the car and I shut the door. “Gia told me that you preferred to not be called Anastasia.”

“She’s the freaking best,” Stassi trills.

Her Valley-girl accent is so out of place it’s a little jarring. I start the car and we move toward the port. “She is,” I rumble.

Stassi grabs some lip gloss and puts it on. “So. She got herself kidnapped, huh?”

“Yes,” I grunt again.

“Guess it’s a little easier to get kidnapped than even the great Gia Rossi thought, isn’t it?”

I shoot her a look, but there’s no malice in her face. Stassi’s a little concerned, but her lips are curled into a catlike smile.

“Was I right to call you?” I say flatly.

She sighs. “Yeah, duh. I’m like, totally the right person for this.”

“And your family?”

She smirks. “Daddy thinks that I’m at Fashion Week, and he has no idea that I left.”

I arch an eyebrow. “I find that hard to believe, considering that you’ve slipped your leash a few times in the past few years.”

Stassi’s hand flies to her chest in mock indignation. “Slipped my leash! Oh my god, that is so mean!”

“You know what I’m saying, Stassi.”

She huffs. “Fine. Daddy doesn’t know that I’m here, for sure.”


“Well, he sometimes gives me bodyguards that are like, really easy to distract.”


She looks at her nails. “You know that I have a ton of model friends, right? From when I was signed as a model in New York?”

I had no idea. “Yes.”

“They’re good distractions. And since my bodyguards are usually pretty hot, they like the challenge.”