I gulp around the lead pit in my stomach and answer.

“Elio,” I say into the phone. “How are you.”

“Would you like to explain why a marriage contract came across my email this morning?”

I blink. “What?”

“There’s an Irish man offering to marry my sister. Care to explain who the fuck this is?”

Elio’s voice is absolutely vibrating with rage.

“I have no idea,” I say honestly.

“You’ve been gone for months. You told me that you were going to bring Gia back in one piece. That you would look out for her. That you’d bring her back to me,” he emphasizes that last part in a snarl. “And now not only are you not here, but you expect me to believe that you have no fucking clue why an Irishman named Liam MacAntyre is offering to marry my sister?”

I frown. MacAntyre?

The name is too familiar, because MacAntyre is the name of the man who kidnapped Caterina.

“Liam MacAntyre?” I say slowly.

“Si,” Elio hisses and swears in Italian. “And I too wondered why the name sounded so familiar. Kieran was the one we killed. And we did kill him, did we not?”

“Stone cold dead,” I mutter. I handled the body of the fucker myself.

Putting the man who kidnapped and assaulted my sister into the ground was pure joy.

“Then why the hell,” Elio’s voice is thick, his Italian accent pronounced as it often is when he’s upset, “is someone named Liam MacAntyre saying he is going to marry Gia?”

I take a deep breath. There isn’t an explanation for this, but more than that, I don’t want to think about what’s implied here.

That whoever kidnapped Gia is going to marry her.

When she’s pregnant.

With my. Fucking. Baby.

“I don’t know,” I finally manage to get out.

The line is silent. So silent that I’m about to ask Elio if he’s still there when he makes a noise that’s somewhere in between a scream and a roar.

“Find her, Sal. Find her or I’m going to unleash hell on the world.”

“Not before I rip it apart,” I growl back.

Elio’s clearly upset still, but I can hear him as he simmers down slightly. “You’d do that, wouldn’t you?”

I can’t tell him. Elio would be devastated if I told him about the baby and Gia didn’t.

Hell, I’m still destroyed over the fact that she didn’t tell me herself.

“Tear it to shreds, Sal. She’s my sister,” he says in a threatening voice.

And she’s the love of my life, I want to add.

Instead, I open my mouth and bark out a quick “Copy,” then shut the phone down.

There are so many feelings buzzing around in my mind, I can’t keep them all straight. Terror. Anger. Confusion.