He doesn’t know her at all, but that’s not the point.

Liam’s words bite at me like mosquitos.

He leans forward. One of his hands slips into mine, and I stare at it.

Everything in me wants to pull back, but I can read the room.

I know that would be a bad idea.

Liam’s hand isn’t terrible to hold. It’s rough, and strong.

“What were you doing before this?” I blurt.

I’m curious about why his hand has calluses on it.

Liam gives me a little quirk of a smile. “I’m a farrier.”

“No shit,” I laugh.

“Aye. Have my own business in the countryside near Cork. Been doin’ it since Uncle Sean taught me how.”

“A farrier. Well, it explains the hands, I guess.”

“Were you worried they’d be too rough for you, princess?”

I hate the teasing lilt to his voice.

“No,” I say idly. “Just curious.”

“Well. Ask anything you want. If I can answer it for you, I will.”

He hasn’t moved his hand. “I’m more interested in you finishing up our discussion with the point,” I say softly.

Liam nods. His thumb rubs over my hand. “I’ll no’ mistreat you, Gia,” he says softly. “I’m a decent man. I’ve done what I need to in order to get to where I am, and redeem my brother in the eyes of the business, but I’ll not harm you. I’ll not make you suffer. I know well the worth of the woman in my house, and I’d treat you like my equal. Being married to me wouldn’t be so bad, and we’d both get something we want out of it.”

“What, exactly, do I get out of it?”

His eyes gleam. “Power. The ability to help me run the organization. More than you’ll get in your brother’s shadow, that’s for sure,” he murmurs. “You’d be my partner, Gia Rossi. My equal. My counterpart. So. What do you say?”

I shut my eyes. Sal never treated me like an equal.

He treated me like a fucking queen.

I nod, aware that I’m swimming with sharks in blood-soaked water. I gently slip my hand from his. “I need some time to think about it,” I whisper.

Liam gives me a half-formed smile. “I’d expect you’d say that.”

He stands. “The cottage is yours. I’ll give you a radio, but be aware, you’ve no idea where in the world you are. You’ve no resources, no way to talk to the people to sweet talk your way into an escape. Rowan, James, and I are the only ones who know this place, and we’re the only ones who know how to get off of it. You can’t hide. You can’t leave. Plotting to do so will be fatal,” he says in a low voice.

“Romantic,” I say dryly as I blink up at him.

He shrugs. “Romance is not for people like you and I, unfortunately. Besides, I can offer you much more than romance. I can offer you power. Money. Stability. All things that I think you, being a very practical woman, know and care about more than romance, yeah?”

I don’t answer that.

Liam nods. “Time it is then. I’ll send a woman up from the village with a radio. Let me know when you’re ready to talk, then.”

With a squeak, the door to the cabin shuts. Liam’s gone.