“And, it’s not right to talk poorly of the dead,” he adds.
Fascinating. It appears that Liam is just a tad superstitious.
I wonder if I can work with that.
“Well. I see what you’re saying, but he kidnapped my very favorite sister-in-law and scared the shit out of her, tried to rape her, and kept ranting about some kind of deal that his… well, your father made. Does that about sum up what I know?”
“Aye,” Liam’s eyes darken. “It appears, though, that dear old dad’s legacy runs a little more deep than either Kieran or I had imagined.”
“Explain,” I say crisply.
“Dad ran Ireland,” Liam says softly. “But he was a family man at heart. Or, he was, until our mum passed.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” I say automatically. I know how terrible it is to lose a parent.
Liam nods. “After her death, we were sent to separate homes. I was raised by my uncle Sean. Kieran, by Da, since he was older and Da wanted him to take over the business anyway.”
“And your other sibling…” I prompt.
Liam shakes his head. “No, darlin.’ I can’t give you that unless you’re my wife.”
Interesting. He also wants to protect his sibling, whoever that is.
I guess I can understand that as well.
“Okay. So. Kieran and dear old dad,” I prompt.
Liam nods. “Aye. Losing mum changed him. A lot. I’d say that dad became right cracked, and he decided somewhere along the line that in order for one of us to inherit the empire, we needed to be married. To a good girl, in a good family.”
“Ah,” I nod, understanding dawning. “Hence, Caterina.”
Liam nods. “Good girl. Good family. Someone whose family was in a position to be controlled. They made that marriage contract before the De Luca’s had any children, so they didn’t know how long they’d wait before a girl came ‘round.”
“Was it the De Luca father? Or the grandfather?”
Liam tilts his head. “Does it matter, love?”
I hate how casually he throws that around.
I guess it is kind of a relief, though. I know that he doesn’t mean it. It’s like seeing his cards on the table. Liam doesn’t love me, but he’s willing to flatter me.
That’s something.
“It does,” I say quietly. In the back of my mind, I still have so many questions about who planted the attack on our parents that day.
I’m beginning to suspect that I know exactly who.
Liam shrugs. “It doesn’t. We are, however, in a position where I need to inherit this empire. I’m no’ going anywhere. Kieran royally fucked this up for us, and I’m here to undo it. But I can’t do that, Gia, unless I have a wife.”
Everything clicks into place. “That’s why Kieran kidnapped Caterina.”
“And it got him killed.”
My eyebrows skyrocket. “You don’t think this is going to get you killed?”
“I think that I’m in the presence of a much better negotiator than Caterina De Luca.”