The concierge blinks. “Oh. I apologize. I didn’t realize she hadn’t told you yet.”

“Told me what, sir?”

He’s nervous now. “I… I told her I wouldn’t tell you.”

“It’s okay,” I ease in to a smile. “I’ll find out soon enough. Your discretion will not be unrewarded. In fact,” I palm my wallet, digging out any of the bills hidden there. I tuck them in my palm and reach forward to shake his hand. “I’d pay you handsomely to find out what my wife kept secret from you.”

“Ah. Well. I’m not sure, one way or t’other,” he says in a thick accent. “But the lady had me make a little trip to the pharmacy earlier.”

“The pharmacy?”

“For some tests, sir. The type of tests a woman might find… if she was in a family way.”

It takes me too long to realize what he’s saying.

It takes even more effort to paste an insanely fake smile on my face. “Well. No secrets were told, then. She shared the good news with me just now.”

“Oh, thank the Lord,” the concierge gushes.

“Indeed. I simply am having a problem adjusting to the news.”

“Ah, well. Congratulations all the same,” he beams.

I nod, then head to my room.

Gia asked the concierge to bring her a pregnancy test.

And I’m going to rip this fucking room apart until I find it.

I start in the bathroom. That’s the most logical place. There’s nothing in the trash basket. The sinks are in a large piece of furniture, riddled with drawers.

I wonder…

I start on the far left end, then work my way right.

Each drawer has something in it, but not the thing I’m looking for.



Condoms (the irony almost makes me laugh).

Nail polish remover.

Whoever stocked this bathroom did so with care, because every fucking thing that a person could need is in here.

Except a goddamn pregnancy test.

I’m at the last drawer, ready to rip it open, when it catches.

My eyes narrow.

I pull harder. It’s clear to me that something is jammed in here, keeping the drawer from pulling back smoothly. I grip the handle and pull, putting my whole body into it.

The drawer flies out. Its contents fly out too, and land on the marble bathroom floor with a slight click.

I lean down and pick one of them up.