But I realize in an instant that it’s too late.
I’m too late.
All of the people are on the boat. The body, that I assume is an unconscious Gia, is nowhere to be seen.
The boat roars.
And Gia disappears into the darkness.
* * *
I have nothing to do except drive back to the hotel we stayed at the night before
It’s a stupid idea. It feels like a stupid idea. But I have nothing else right now. My brain feels sluggish, like I took a sleeping pill, or I’m drugged or something.
Maybe I am.
Maybe that was part of the plan, to make both of us foggy with some kind of drug before taking us out.
The ‘maybes’ are going to kill me.
There’s no point to them. There are only facts. The facts are that I’m here. Gia is gone, taken by someone, either the Irish or Interpol.
And I’m… here.
I need to figure out what to do.
I steal a car. It’s absolutely a way to get on Interpol’s radar, but fuck it.
Maybe if they arrest me too, I’ll find her.
The hour back to the castle is the longest hour I’ve ever experienced in my life.
Longer than the one when I found Gia in a burning building.
Longer than the one when I had her in my hands in the canals of Amsterdam, swimming to get away from a bomb.
Longer than the one to the airport in New York, after she told me that there couldn’t ever be a future for us.
Why didn’t I believe her?
The stolen car, I abandon one town away.
I walk into a department store and use the card linked to my accounts to buy new clothes. I clean myself up in the bathroom, throwing the bloody, shredded mess into a trash can.
I hail a cab back the rest of the way to the castle.
When I walk in, the concierge from earlier smiles at me.
It’s a very knowing smile.
I nod at him.
“Congratulations, sir,” he says in a very bright voice.
“I appreciate it. May I ask what for?” I say, the veneer of civilization a stark contrast to the chaos that’s brewing inside me.