I’m on my feet and see immediately there’s three people that I can count . I go for the biggest danger… then man with the rifle.

I slam my fist into his face.

I dodge when he throws a punch.

The first man is down. I know Gia’s running away from here, so as long as I can keep fighting…

I move onto the next one.

It’s familiar. My body knows how to do this. I’ve always been good at hand-to-hand. I can see the moves that they’re making, and I’m willing to make sacrifices to get to what I need.

Another man drops.

Then, the third.

Three men on the ground. There’s a ringing in my ears, and a cut above my eyebrow that’s leaking blood, salty and hot, into my eye.


I grab the rifle. “Gia?” I call.

There’s no sound.

She ran, sure. But she wouldn’t have gone far…


That’s when I hear the noise that makes my blood turn to ice.

A scream.

I think it’s coming from behind me. I turn and sprint, running down the road toward what might be a dock. The smell of the salt, the way the road is tapering down toward the harbor… it’s definitely a dock.

That’s not good.

My heart is in my chest. My feet feel thick and heavy, like I can’t get them underneath me fast enough.

“Gia!” I scream.

I don’t hear anything in response… except for the sounds of people grunting and struggling.

They have her.

I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life, and it utterly terrifies me.

Finally, I round a warehouse and find the dock. There are another two people, hauling someone who looks horrifyingly limp onto a boat.


Gunshots echo around me. I duck behind the corner of the warehouse, grabbing the rifle I took off the body and loading it.

I want to fire back.

But I can’t. because if I do…

I might hit Gia.

I need to run. I turn out, ready to sprint for the boat.