Something isn’t right.
“Sal. Something feels weird,” Gia murmurs.
“I know.”
We turn again. I come to a stop and pull up my phone, ready to find another route, when ice skates down my spine.
I glance up…
Just in time to see the windshield shatter.
“Get down!” I bark at Gia.
She ducks.
Gunfire hails the windows, shattering it. Glass rains all over us, and I try to throw my hands over Gia to guard her.
“We need to get out of here,” I shout.
Gia doesn’t respond, but I hear the seatbelt click.
We need to wait for them to reload.
They’re not shooting to kill. For whatever reason, they’re shooting to intimidate, because if they were shooting to kill, we’d be dead.
This car isn’t armored. It’s not bulletproof in the slightest, as proven by the shattered glass. They know that if they shoot the side paneling, they’ll kill us.
They’re waiting for us to run.
So, we’re going to have to do that.
When the bullets stop, I look at Gia. “I’m going to pull you over to me,” I whisper. “Then, we’re going to run.”
“Okay,” she murmurs.
“Three, two…”
I grab her and pull her, opening the door in the same gesture. Gia and I tumble out of the car and sprint, running back the same direction we came from.
There’s another shot. I throw Gia down, making sure that I cover her so that if anyone gets shot, it’s me.
Gia can’t get shot.
But whoever the shooter is… they still haven’t shot us.
“They want us alive,” I whisper to her.
There’s a crunching sound. Boots. Coming closer to us.
I tense. “On my count. You run. Okay?”
“Three. Two… Go,” I snap.
We move at the same time.