I didn’t.
Because waiting to see if you have the flu and waiting to see if you’re going to have a tiny human are two entirely different things.
There’s no way that I can be pregnant.
Sure, Sal and I have had a lot of sex. Most of it unprotected.
But there hasn’t been enough time.
Women aren’t consistently fertile. Even for someone who has a pregnancy, it’s kind of a miracle, because like… you really have to hit the timing well.
I almost laugh at my own joke because generally, Sal’s timing is…
Pretty incredible.
Except not in this situation.
This would be…
My chest feels like there’s a lead weight on it. If I had a baby, all my dreams of being a mafia don slip right out the window. Being a woman and leading a business is one thing.
Being a mom?
It would never happen.
When my phone chimes that the time is up, I take the test in a shaking hand. I let out a huge breath, looking down to see if it’s done.
It is.
There’s a result.
And when I count the lines…
There are two.
My first thought is that this can’t be right. So, I whip out another test (God bless the concierge for getting multiple) and do my best to pee on it again. When I can’t, I look around…
That’s what I need.
I chug water. I wait a little.
And I go for it again.
In theory, I know that at some point I will have drank too much water to make the test effective, but who knows. Maybe that’s when I’ll finally get the result that’s accurate.
Three tests later, they all say the same thing.
Every single one of them is lined up in front of me, and Sal is going to be back at any minute, with a cake that I sent him on a fool’s errand for.
I put my head in my hands.