Dino bristles but Sal shoves him back. “Back off, Dino,” he says in a dark voice.
“You’re not the boss of me.”
“I am,” Sal says flatly. “As your brother, and your superior, I need you to back the fuck off.”
That gets Dino’s attention. Reluctantly, he takes a step back.
Sal looks at both of us. “Marco is solved, Gia. Like it or not, the reason we came here is clear.”
I gape at him. “Clear? Clear as fucking mud, if that’s what you mean by…”
“We know where he is. We know what happened to him. It’s clear. Okay?”
None of this is okay.
But I recognize the tone in Sal’s voice. He’s not telling me that I need to move on. He’s pointing out that there’s a fact here. No matter what, the purpose of our trip, the reason we came here, is over.
We know where Marco is.
We know what he’s doing.
But… shit.
I can’t do anything with this information.
“Caterina needs to know. Elio needs to know,” I say to both of them.
Dino and Sal exchange a look. “Elio’s going to like this even less than Gia did,” Sal says softly.
“Yeah. I know,” Dino responds.
“He’s going to fire you.”
“I know.”
“He’s going to try and make sure you never see Caterina or Luna ever again.”
“He can fucking try,” Dino growls. “Caterina is my sister same as yours. Luna is my niece, same as yours. He wants to be mad? Fine. I’m not going to stop Elio from being mad. But I am going to draw the line at being told that I can’t see my own fucking sister, Sal.”
Sal nods. “Same. Elio and Caterina are going to freak out. When’s the trial?”
Dino shrugs. “Dunno. Didn’t occur to me to ask, and I haven’t talked to Marco since he decided to go into custody.”
My eyes are going to pop out of my head. “You haven’t…”
“No. Why would I? I’m not going to break his cover. He’d be a dead man if I did.”
A bitter laugh escapes me. “He’s a dead man no matter what so you might as well say goodbye to him! Shit!”
“We know what happened to Marco,” Sal reiterates firmly. “What we don’t know is who tried to kill us in Amsterdam. It could be Interpol.”
“My money is on Interpol,” I sigh. “Otherwise our faces would be all over the news…”
“They are, though,” Dino says.