“You don’t know?”
“No, Gia,” Sal mutters. The frustration in his tone is evident. “I don’t know.”
I don’t think I’ve ever heard Sal say that.
It’s… alarming.
Instead of processing that, I round on Dino. “So what? You want us just to leave? To kindly fuck off so that Marco can continue to live in la-la land where he’s protected from basically all harm?”
“Well. He’s not protected from all harm…” Dino looks at Sal meaningfully.
Sal glances at me.
And I figure out what they’re doing without speaking. “No. No, no. No secret brother brain communication. I’m not responsible for Marco, or anything that happens to him. Not when he chose to be a fucking narc,” I hiss.
“Marco isn’t at risk here. Or he wasn’t until now.”
“We’re literally in Ireland, Dino! I know you’re not the smart brother but surely you can put together Ireland and the Irish, the people who hate us? Like, I feel like I don’t need to remind you are trying to take down everything we’ve built.”
Dino narrows his eyes at me. “Interpol has him here for a reason.”
“And the reason isn’t to dangle him like a prize hog in front of the wolves?”
He snorts at me. “You showed up after being nearly assassinated by some kind of unknown…”
I throw my hands up. “Unknown? I think given the recent developments that you’re telling us, it’s pretty freakin’ obvious who tried to assassinate us. How do we know it wasn’t Interpol? That’s clearly who we ran into in Prague, Sal.”
“When were you in Prague?”
Sal ignores his brother. “Yeah. I agree with you, but they couldn’t have known about the meeting with the Russians.”
“Doesn’t matter. Having Interpol’s involvement is a whole different ball game,” I snap.
It makes everything harder.
We’re used to moving around in the shadows. We’re definitely adept at doing exactly that. But having Interpol’s lens on us?
That’s a fucking terrible idea.
“Gia,” Sal says softly.
I shake my head. “No. It doesn’t matter, Sal. Marco screwed us. We have to acknowledge that. He totally, completely, and utterly screwed us over.”
“No. It wasn’t him. It was me,” Dino says hollowly.
I point a finger at him. “Oh, you’re definitely part of it. Do not mistake me, Bernadino De Luca. You’re half of this fucking problem. Because you couldn’t keep it in your pants…”
“I was a kid,” he grunts at me.
“You have two brothers who managed to not knock anyone up!”
“And you have one who did!”
Dino and I are squared off and yelling at each other at this point. With a resigned sigh, Sal comes between us. He puts a hand gently on my shoulder, then pushes Dino back. “We don’t know who could be listening,” he murmurs.
“Yeah, like maybe the fucking police, or the Irish. As we are in Ireland,” I snap.
I really can’t resist it.