Page 70 of Cage Me

Natalia tilts her head. “Who’s Lia?”

“No clue,” I reply. “She’s visiting with her mate Markus, but she said we needed to head north to find Kel, and my wolf trusted her, so that’s where we’re going.”

“Fair enough.” She glances between the two of us. “Keep each other safe.”

With a nod, we both head toward the door. This time, I don’t rush out or glare at the songbird. When my fingers wrap around the door handle, there’s a flare of energy, but it’s brief and welcoming. Maybe I can finally have a truce with the winged creature.

“Where do you think we’ll find Lia?” Drake asks as we step onto the sidewalk.

Spells is only two blocks from the portal, and considering most visitors are here only because of their curiosity in the new world, I take a step in that direction.

“Let’s go see what we can find at the portal,” I say, then grin. “I promise not to run away from you this time.”

His head shakes as he wraps an arm around my waist, his fingers squeezing my hip. “Just like before, I wouldn’t let you get far.”

The rumble within his words sends a tremor of want down my spine. If only we didn’t have a witch to kill.

“Oh,” I stop abruptly and reach into my pocket, grabbing the other small bag I’ve been given this morning. “Kasha gave this to me. She wouldn’t tell me what it is. Just that I shouldn’t open it unless things are dire.”

He takes it from me. “It feels like rocks.”

“That’s what I thought, but she made it very clear we weren’t to open it until we were ready to release the chaos in there.” I close his fingers around the small bag. “You keep that, and I’ll keep the witch’s pouch.”

He chuckles. “Pretty sure you’re getting the better end of that deal.”

“And I’m pretty sure your hand wouldn’t fit in Natalia’s offering.”

Drake shoves Kasha’s mysterious offering into his pocket. “True. Now, come on. I’m ready to get this over with.”

We continue and once we’re at the portal area, we move through the crowds of people out and about. My eyes continue to scan the area, and I search for the unique scent that Lia had put off. Except nothing stands out to me or Drake.

We stay there for about thirty minutes with no luck, and I can’t wait around any longer. Walking around in circles when we’re supposed to be headed north is making my wolf a little stir-crazy, especially with that spell tucked into my front pocket.

“I guess we’re on our own now,” Drake says, grabbing my hand and giving the portal one last look.

Since the day that thing opened, I’ve never had a real interest in seeing what’s on the other side, just a draw that I fought like a plague, but maybe I have a reason now.

“When this is all over, if you want to go back, I’d visit with you,” I tell him, having no clue if he left anything he cares about behind.

His head shakes. “Tartarus is only a bad memory for me. I’m ready to make new ones here with you.”

Damn him and his sweet words. I lean in closer, drawn to his warmth. “Then, we’ll do that.”

“Spencer?” A familiar voice says, and we both turn around.

“Hello, Corvin.” I grin, then nod to his powerful mate. “Styx.”

Her black eyes appraise me, and she keeps her chin raised, but there’s a flicker of a smile there. “Spencer.”

“Who’s your—” Corvin starts to ask, but I answer before he can finish.

“This is my mate Drake.” I squeeze Drake’s hand. “Drake, this is Corvin and Styx. They help guard the portal and have a new pack forming here in Crossroads.”

Corvin’s brows raise. “Do I finally sense an interest from you in regard to joining?”

I bite the inside of my cheek. I hadn’t really thought about it until this moment, but after all that’s happened since meeting Drake, a home sounds pretty damn nice.

“Depends,” I say. “Do you have room for four shifters? Because I’m a package deal.”