Drake releases me with a smile so sweet I nearly melt at his feet. “Have fun, and don’t come back before midnight.”
“You suck.” My lower lip juts out.
He leans as if he’s going to kiss my cheek and whispers, “No, that’s your job.”
I grip his shirt and move to capture his mouth, but Kasha throws a pillow from the couch at us. “Seriously. You can get laid any other night. Let’s go.”
“I’ll see you soon,” I say and reluctantly part from my mate. “Don’t have too much fun at the portal tonight without me.”
“I’ll do my best.” He blows me a kiss, then I’m yanked out the front door.
“You are such a lucky bitch.” She shakes her head. “You and Styx with your too-sweet-for-their-own-good men. Though, Raegan can’t really complain either with her broody, knows-he’s-a-God mate.”
I pat her back and shake my head. “We need to get you laid at the minimum.”
She huffs. “Preach.”
But she also isn’t wrong. I know exactly how lucky I am, and I make sure Drake knows how much I appreciate him every day. Better yet, I know that nothing in this world will tear us apart.
Our bond is forever and so is our love, something I’ll never take for granted again.
Checking my phone, I see there are more than just the text updates about girls’ night.
Tori: Legion’s stuck at work and I slipped through the portal. Let’s get into some trouble.
I grin. My other fae friend.
I haven’t yet invited her to hang out with the others. Half because she moved to Tartarus and half because I’m still adjusting to actually having friends and I think she might be, too, after the hell she recently went through, but maybe this is the perfect night.
“I’m going to invite my friend Tori,” I tell Kasha as we walk toward the pack house.
“Tell her to meet us here. We’re still waiting on Raegan and Clara.”
I’ve yet to meet those two myself, but the former has been talked about enough that I feel as if I already know her.
I text Tori back with the details and before my phone is even tucked back into my pocket, she replies.
Tori: I’m in.
This night is either going to make me wish I stayed a loner or it’s going to be one I won’t soon forget. Only time will tell…and maybe a few drinks.
Three hours later, the sun has only just set, but I can barely see straight, and my cheeks hurt from laughing so much.
“I’m a God and your mate.” Raegan crosses her arms and glowers, deepening her voice. “You will stay with me or else…”
“And then you fuck his brains out and everyone lives happiler ever after.” Clara hiccups and laughter echoes around from all of us as her cheeks redden. “Happiler? Happily? Whatever.”
Raegan drops the façade and shrugs with a wicked grin. “I mean, he is a God.”
“Gods aren’t the only ones with talented cocks,” I mutter behind my glass, and all eyes turn toward me.
Shit, did I say that out loud?
Tori raises an eyebrow, her green eyes on me. “Do tell.”
“Yes, please,” Kasha whines. “I need to live vicariously through all of you. My vagina is starting to shrivel up from lack of use.”
“Oh!” Sin holds up a finger as she finishes off her drink, then her gaze lands on Raegan. “Bruno.”