Page 79 of Cage Me

We’re both craving the blood of this witch and we’re going to get it.

Right before I shift, Drake reaches for me, but I step away from him, not wanting to accidentally hurt him. My wolf pushes forward in a rapid transformation that sends a jolt through my entire body. Bones break and skin shreds before everything comes back together in the shape of my white beast.

She stands tall on four legs, head down, eyes narrowed, and jaw snapping.

Right before we leap for Kel, Drake catches our attention. Or more accurately, what’s in his hand does.

He has the pouch from Kasha. We have no clue what’s in it, but this might actually be a good thing. The fae did say to use it if we were in a dire situation.

When he opens the velvet top, my wolf’s ear twitch. There’s a ringing coming from the bag that’s high pitched, but not enough to hurt our head.

Allowing myself the brief distraction, I watch as Drake turns the pouch over and out come tiny glowing…flies? I don’t know what they are exactly, but they seem to be waking up and the more they move, the louder the ringing becomes.

Kel screeches. “What the hell is that?”

I grin internally. Thank you, Kasha.

The fluttering beings start to circle and turn into a swarm that gets bigger before they start to form into a cone directed right at Kel.

Before I charge in, taking advantage of her distraction, I catch Drake dropping to his knees and holding his ears.

My wolf goes to him, nudging his shoulder and growling. She wants him to shift.

His head shakes and his eyes are closed, but she doesn’t relent, nipping at him, leaving small tears in his shirt. It isn’t until she starts scratching at his legs that he finally roars.

We back up just in time for his wolf to burst free. A wolf that isn’t as shadowy as he once was. His dark charcoal fur has layers of white woven throughout, almost like highlights.

He’s absolutely stunning.

His continued snarls remind me that the time for admiration isn’t now, and my attention goes back to Kel.

The swarm from Kasha is covering the witch, and I smell blood. I have no idea how they’re hurting her, but it’s our turn now.

My wolf lunges forward, claws out. We slice across Kel’s stomach, but the sharp tips barely leave a scratch in the leather bodysuit she’s wearing.

Her hands thrash, trying and failing to get the…bugs away from her, but still, she lets out a taunting laugh. “I already told you. You can’t hurt me.”

The fuck I can’t. Her clothes might be tough as steel, but that doesn’t mean the rest of her is, proven by the fact that she is bleeding. Though, I can’t see where.

I go for her again, but Drake beats me this time. His wolf is right there, jowls wide and canines out. He aims for her throat, but only manages to bite her arm before a surge of power bursts through the room and sends my mate flying over tables and crashing into the counter.

A snarl builds low within my wolf, and we scrape our paw over the peeling laminate. Go! I tell her, but she’s already charging forward.

With every step we take, the light around us grows brighter and it’s almost as if my wolf is getting bigger. The power I’ve been keeping shoved down my whole life comes to the surface, eager to be unleashed. Our muscles coil, preparing to spring forward. Just a little bit closer.

A black smoke starts to billow around Kel, and I growl. That bitch isn’t getting away. No, we’re finishing this now.

Just as we leap for her, the smoke attacks, dropping us to the ground like a sack of rocks midjump.

The glow around me flickers, but I’m not even close to done. She won’t beat us. She won’t hurt my family or have my mate.

Drake is back up and moving faster than I am. Through our bond, I sense his worry for me, but more than that, I can taste the smokiness of his vengeance. His need for blood now matches mine and I’m here for it.

Forcing my wolf back to her feet, I concentrate on our connection to Drake and the power I hold within myself that I’m pretty sure I’m also sharing with him.

I may not understand exactly what I’m capable of yet, but I know that I’m more than a wolf shifter. I’m a woman who has been fighting for her life since she was born. I’m a mate who just wants to feel and give love. I’m a daughter and sister who can’t lose her family. Not like this.

And right now, I’m not only fighting for them. I’m fighting for myself because I deserve more than the brief glimmers of happiness I’ve had as of late. I deserve to thrive in the new life I can see for myself. One where I no longer have to hide who I am and can quit pushing everyone away.