She raises her brow. “Have you looked at yourself? I expected the enlightening spell I gave you to give you some clarity, but I didn’t think you’d start showing off your power just because.”
If she only knew. Her little spell nearly killed me, but I don’t believe that was her fault just as my wolf had said, so I don’t tell Natalia just how intense that potion really was.
Instead, I take a deep inhale in. The magic from the glass—or the bird—still pulses inside me. That has to be causing my glow. Yet, I don’t know how to release the power.
Drake doesn’t seem to be affected any longer, so it’s just me as Natalia said, but I have no clue why.
“You’ve learned to unlock your true self, Spencer, but now, you need to know how to wield the energy you possess if it’s to serve you the way you need.”
I’m sure the witch knows what she’s talking about, but we’re out of time for me to learn new things. I close my eyes and do what I’ve always done, I start to build a wall around my core, keeping the power contained.
Except just when I start making progress, a sharp pain shoots through my mind and I suck in a breath. My eyes open to find Natalia’s pointer finger pressed against my forehead. “Um, care to tell me what the hell you’re doing?”
She shakes her head and stares intently at my chest for several seconds. Only when I can finally feel my lungs working again does she release me.
“You’re not glowing anymore,” she says, lines of concern etched around her eyes, “but you’re going to want to learn how to truly command your inner power. You can’t keep shoving energy like that down. In the meantime, the next time you want to use it, make sure you’re prepared to fully unleash your wolf.”
Sounds…fun. “Thanks for the help.”
She half snorts and huffs. “I seem to be doing a lot of that lately.” She slides the pouch closer. “Here is everything you should need.”
I pick it up and I feel rather confident the black leather is empty. “Um, thanks.”
“Reach inside before you judge,” she says with a grin.
Tugging on the thin string, I open the top as far as it will go and just manage to get my fist inside. Wait, my hand should not fit in here.
I hold the bag higher and wiggle my fingers, but the edges of the fabric don’t move like they should. “What kind of magic is this?”
“It’s a witch’s pocket,” Drake answers with amusement. “I haven’t seen one since I was a kid and tried to steal it from someone in the market.”
Natalia chuckles. “I’m surprised you’re still alive.”
“I’m a fast runner.” Drake’s fingers brush over the material. “This is going to help.”
I have no clue where his confidence is coming from, but I try and fail to mirror it. “I can’t feel anything. How do I get the spell out?”
“Call for it,” she replies as if I should have already known the answer.
Um, spell, come here.
I’ve never felt more stupid in my life, yet… Two seconds later, something glass and warm fills my palm.
I pull my hand out and there between my fingers is a glass jar with a silver top, carved with swirling symbols. “Is this it?”
Natalia nods. “Yep. And it’s one-of-a-kind. Don’t drop that jar or open it until you’re absolutely sure you’re ready to use it. You’ll also find other potions and trinkets in there, along with a few portal spells. Just ask for help and see what you get. The pocket is rather intuitive. I’ve had that for… Well, let’s just say a while.”
My skin warms, and I smile at the witch. “Thank you, Natalia. For everything. I know I haven’t always been the easiest to get along with, but I truly appreciate your friendship.”
She reaches for my hands and holds them between hers. “I knew the moment you walked through my door that you were worth the investment of putting up with.”
I laugh and do something I’ve never done before. I hug the witch, and when she returns the gesture, I nearly melt into her embrace. “You’re going to be okay, Spencer,” she whispers before we part.
“Thank you,” I say again, only because I don’t know what other words would be appropriate right now. “I guess we will see you when we see you. I have no clue how long it will take for us to find Kel.”
“Just be prepared for the possibility that she’ll find you first,” Natalia says, and that has both me and Drake tensing.
“We will be,” he says gruffly, then looks at me. “Maybe we could find that shifter Lia and see if she has more to share.”