Page 62 of Cage Me

The next morning, I wake at dawn and find myself alone. The sinking feeling in my chest is new, but when I sit up and a piece of paper floats off my chest, the aching eases ever so slightly.

My Dove,

I’ve gone for a run with my wolf.

If I’m not back before you wake, I will be soon.



I flip the note over, but there’s nothing else. I have no clue where he even found something to write on or with, but I tuck the paper into my bag at the corner of the shed before I get dressed.

Today is going to be busy and maybe the end of Drake’s living nightmare. I want breakfast and coffee and to have a chat with my mom.

While I’m not afraid of going after the witch, I also have no intentions of underestimating Kel. What she did to Drake and Natalia’s fear in the beginning are reminders that we can’t be too careful, which means I need to prepare for things not going our way.

It’s not something I’ve allowed myself to think too hard about yet, but I’m leaving my mother and brother behind. I need her to know what resources I have and that she’s safe here with Kasha until she decides where she wants to be.

Now that I’m not pushing everyone away, I hope she’ll find a home here in Crossroads like I have without realizing it, but if she wants something different for her and Peter then I’ve prepared for that.

Going into the house, everything is quiet just as it was last night when we went back out to the shed. My shoulders tremble and my lips turn upward, thinking about the way Drake fucked me against the wall.

I really did get lucky with him as a mate. I should also be thanking my mom for not letting me be an idiot and continue on with the notion that my life would be better without him.

Now that our bond has been solidified, I don’t want to imagine a time in my life moving forward when I don’t have him as my mate and by my side.

There’s already a pot of coffee brewed on the counter when I tiptoe through the kitchen. I grab a mug from the cabinet and pour myself a full glass before heading toward the hallway to go peek in on Mom and Peter. I didn’t get to see him much yesterday and I don’t want to take off this morning without saying goodbye.

Before I can find the room they’re sleeping in, Kasha comes out one of the closed doors, dressed in pajama pants, an oversized sweatshirt, and with her hair tossed up into a messy bun. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen her so relaxed with her appearance and I like it. She doesn’t say anything as she nods back toward the kitchen.

Curious, I follow her, drinking my coffee as I walk through the peaceful house. She sits at the table, and I take the chair across from her.

“I didn’t think you’d be up already,” she says with a smirk.

I tilt my head and then realize I didn’t put up a cloaking spell before having sex with Drake while everyone else should have been asleep.

Oh well.

“Important things to do today,” I reply, not taking her bait.

“That there are.” She reaches for the pocket of her sweatshirt and slides a small red velvet bag across the table. “Only open that if things are dire and don’t tell anyone that I gave it to you.”

I raise a brow and take the offering. “What exactly is it?”

“Let’s hope you don’t have to find out.” She grimaces and glances around. “But when Natalia asked me for viloss, I began to wonder about certain things. Just hold on to that and keep it safe. If you don’t use it, bring it back to me. Better yet, if you do use it, try to still bring it back if you can.”

My fingers play with the string on the small pouch. “And I can’t open whatever this is until I’m ready to use what’s inside? Will you at least tell me what it does?”

Kasha’s fingers drum over the tabletop. “No, you shouldn’t look inside. You could jeopardize the…” Her head shakes. “Just don’t, okay? As for what will happen when you do open the bag, that depends on a few factors, but just think of it as the ultimate distraction if all else fails.”

Hmm, a distraction to run or to finish the job? Something tells me Kasha knows more than she’s saying, but she gets up, chugs her coffee, and goes to the sink.

“Cara is waiting for you in the living room,” Kasha adds as she rinses the dish.

Well, that works because I was going to be looking for her.

I hold up the pouch as I stand. “Thanks for this.”