Page 49 of Cage Me

I step away from Drake, and the small amount of space between us makes him whimper, but I don’t take long to shift. Or more accurately, my wolf doesn’t let me slow her down.

The transformation is mildly painful thanks to the urgency of the change, but once we’re on all fours with the bond beating wildly within our heart, nothing else matters.

Drake’s wolf tilts his head back and lets out the loudest of howls. The sound is like a siren song to mine, calling us forward.

The wolves touch their foreheads together, then begin to lick and sniff each other around their necks. The actions are sweet and like a balm to the last of my shattered nerves.

Everything is going to be just fine. One way or another, we’re going to come out of this okay.

Drake’s wolf nips at mine and causes her to growl. The sound is playful, but also a warning that she isn’t to be fucked with. Like human, like animal.

He doesn’t seem to be deterred and goes for her again, but this time we dart out of the way, and his teeth close on air.

He wants to play, I tell my wolf. Show him where to run.

By the time I’ve even finished speaking, her claws are digging into the earth and she’s sprinting forward.

The midnight-colored wolf is right on our heels, his rumble sending shivers through my own wolf. His stride is longer, but we have more practice, so it’s easy to keep the lead as we race through the park. Wind rips around us, stirring up all kinds of scents, but the only one that matters is the musky amber smell coming from right next to us.

My wolf lets out her own howl filled with joy and anticipation as we start to circle the park. It’s not a huge space to stretch our legs, but enough to work for the moment. Later tonight, we can venture out again for a longer run.

Together, our wolves continue to chase one another through the park, moving in and out of the trees, jumping over long-forgotten play structures, and overall, enjoying the hell out of themselves.

Finally, though, it’s time to stop. Half because I still haven’t heard Drake’s voice since he freed his wolf and half because my family isn’t far from my mind.

I know Kasha said she would protect them, and I have no doubts she’s powerful, but that doesn’t mean my worry for their safety is any less.

My wolf relinquishes control, and I shift back to my human form first. When I look back at Drake, his wolf is still staring at me. “What’s wrong?” I ask even though I know he can’t reply.

The wolf steps forward, his head lowered and stalking toward me. Well, this is different.

His tongue swipes over his sharp canines and there’s a deep rumble from within his chest as he gets closer.

I’m tempted to move or bring my wolf forward, but I’m too curious about what Drake’s animal is up to.

I hold my hand out when he’s close enough and he rubs his snout across my palm. “You’re safe here,” I tell him. “Nobody will trap you again.”

His growl nearly has me jumping back, but I stay steady, knowing he needs my support right now.

Leaning forward, I run my fingers through his dark coat again and breathe him in. Just as I open my mouth to say something else encouraging, the fucking wolf bites me right on the shoulder.

“What the hell?” I screech as I jump back.

Without meaning to, I punch the beast in the face. “Bad wolf!”

Except he doesn’t seem at all ashamed of what he’s done. I swear he’s grinning at me as he lowers on his haunches to sit.

My hand covers the bite and comes back with blood when I pull away. Not a lot—he didn’t bite deep—but still. There’s going to be a…

“You marked me,” I say, unable to hold back my chuckle. “You sneaky wolf. I’d say sorry for punching you, but you know damn well you deserved that.”

His head lolls to the side, and I realize that his eyes have changed from the glowing orange to a bright amber. Much better than before.

Finally, he trots back and shifts. Only I forgot one important thing: Drake doesn’t have a magically imbued ring or amulet to prevent his clothes from disappearing during the transformation.

A very naked, but also grinning Drake stands before me. “That was intense.”

“And your cock is hanging out for everyone to see.” I point toward his crotch. “Maybe you stay in wolf form until we can get you some clothes, yeah?”