“Give me all of tomorrow and the following night,” she says. “That will allow me enough time to break down Drake’s blood and possibly learn more about Kel. The more I know about her magic, the easier it will be to not kill him.”
Drake growls from next to me, but I’ve known Natalia long enough to understand that she doesn’t talk about killing my mate flippantly. If he were to die, the witch wouldn’t take that lightly, even if she might try to pretend otherwise.
“We’ll be back the following morning, then,” I say as I lace my fingers through Drake’s.
Natalia holds up a hand, her gaze appraising Drake with undisguised scrutiny. “Wait a minute. Why did she spell you in the first place?”
“Because she’s a fucking psycho,” he spits out with disgust.
The witch clicks her tongue. “Try again, without all that pent-up rage.”
My chest tightens and the need to comfort Drake nearly overwhelms me until I find myself stepping closer to him and placing a hand on his arm. No words are spoken out loud, but the moment I touch him, his gaze is on mine.
I’m frozen in place as if he’s seeing into my soul and there’s nothing that I can do but stand here and let him have a look around.
The thought frightens me, but only for a split second. The longer we’re focused on one another, the more a sense of relief I feel, as if I’m truly being seen for the first time in my life.
A minute or two goes by and he finally nods, then gives Natalia his attention again. “I met Kel in Tartarus. She kept crossing paths with me and trying to strike up conversations. I casually brushed her off, but she started insisting that we should be together. When I snapped at her one day, she decided that if she couldn’t have me, then nobody could. I spent over nine hundred years frozen in my current state, unchanging but aware of my surroundings, while she basically took over my home and life.”
Natalia crosses her arms and taps her foot on the ground as she seems to mull over the information. “That’s helpful. I’ll need more blood from both of you, assuming you didn’t bring back the vial I returned, and then I’ll get to work, but I mean it. Don’t return before the following days’ morning or you’ll risk ruining my process. My shop will be closed while I concentrate on this spell.”
That makes me feel mildly better. Though, I didn’t have any doubts before that she would take this seriously. If I did, we wouldn’t be here.
“Will you be able to tell if Kel is close?” I ask since she’ll have traces of the witch’s magic.
She nods, relieving some of my tension caused by the fear I have of putting my family in danger. “I’ll set up a perimeter spell that will warn me of any dark magic linked to that in the blood of your mate. It should give you enough time to act, but if that happens, you’re on your own.”
Fair enough.
“Then, I believe we have a deal,” I tell her, stepping forward to offer my blood first. “Take what you need.”
I’m in a hurry to get back to the house and make sure nothing is off there. I’ll need to have a chat with Kasha about protecting her home with as much magic as I can offer on top of whatever the hybrid is capable of. If Kel is as powerful as Natalia has been saying, then I have to assume she can track Drake, which means she’ll know where he’s been.
Though, if the witch bitch comes for him or my family before we find her, she’ll have one hell of a fight on her hands, even if we’re not entirely ready.
The next morning, after only sleeping for a few hours, I wake to the sound of Peter’s laughter. For a brief moment, I allow myself to forget we’re all still in danger and just smile, because it’s been too long since I’ve awoken like this.
Drake is lying next to me, staring at me with a deep crease between his brows.
My body tenses, and I sit up quickly in bed. “What’s wrong?”
“Your phone has a message on it,” he says gruffly.
I tilt my head, wondering who could upset him that would have my number, but I can’t think of a single soul.
Reaching for the device, I see several messages and frown.
Natalia: I actually need the two of you to come by today. Unlocking his wolf can’t wait.
Natalia: Don’t ignore me. I’m trying to help you.
Natalia: You won’t like it if I have to come to you.
Natalia: You’re such a pain in my ass.
“Huh.” I set the phone down, then stretch, but Drake still isn’t pleased.
He grabs my shoulders and forces me to sit up. “That’s all you have to say. ‘Huh.’ I tried waking you several times, but you wouldn’t budge. We need to go find out why her plans have changed.”