When I enter the small kitchen, I glance to the right. There at the wooden dinner table are Drake, my mother, and Kasha.
“Where’s Peter?” I ask, glancing around and even under the table. He is only eight.
“I sent him to bed,” Mom says. “Kasha gave him the room she’s had set up for you.”
I don’t miss her pointed tone, but I also don’t acknowledge it. Though, I do something that seems to take them each by surprise.
“Thank you, Kasha,” I tell her sincerely. “He needs a safe place to lie his head tonight. Now, what have I missed?”
Each of them, even Drake, blink at me, but don’t respond right away. I take a seat next to my mate, allowing my knee to brush against his under the table and grin when I hear his sharp intake of breath.
Maybe letting people in won’t be pure insanity. Maybe I can also have some fun in the process.
Chapter 13
Idon’t know what happened to Spencer while she was in that living room, but it’s almost as if a completely different person has sat next to me.
My gaze keeps traveling her way as the others speak about nothing of interest to me. Every time she catches me, she meets my stare with a smirk, one that seems to hold a secret that I’m dying to know.
“So,” Cara says, looking pointedly at her daughter, “Drake told us about your run-in with Lia and Markus.”
Spencer shrugs. “Nothing different than what I’m used to getting from you.”
“He also mentioned Natalia showing up right before you got back here,” Cara pushes, and part of me wonders if she’s trying to bring her daughter down from whatever cloud she’s floating on now. Though, Spencer doesn’t seem to let the topics get to her like I would expect after having spent the day driving her mad.
“And we’re going to deal with her,” Spencer says confidently. “But the witch doesn’t actually have the power to kick us out of Crossroads. We’ll let her calm down and go see her in the morning as planned. Whatever crawled up her ass is only because something scared her, and while we know we need to leave, we’re not doing so because of Natalia’s commands.”
“Whatever crawled up her ass…” There’s the Spencer I’ve seen most of the day. I was beginning to worry that after everything that’s happened today, we’d broken her, but maybe not.
Five minutes ago, I agreed with Spencer’s mother, but seeing my mate now, I’m not sure acting right away is the best course of action. I start to say as much, but I’m interrupted.
Kasha swirls the glass in front her as she casually looks up. “Whenever you go, I hope you know that your family will be safer in my home than in that shed or anywhere else you might try to stash them.”
“Speaking of.” Spencer’s eyes narrow. “How did you know they were in there?”
Cara frowns and lifts a hand. “Peter might have been trying to clean up and opened the door without thinking, breaking the concealment spell.”
“Well, at least that tells me there isn’t anything wrong with the spells Natalia has been giving me,” Spencer says, relaxing back into her seat before turning back toward Kasha. “What do you want for letting them stay here?”
The fae-wolf flattens her lips and glares at my mate. “When will you start trusting people, Spencer? I don’t need something in exchange for doing what’s right.”
“Fair point,” she replies, drumming her fingers over the tabletop. “Fine. They can stay in the house, but if anything happens to them, even if it’s just an almost happens, I will hold you personally responsible. I don’t care what kind of powerful hybrid you are. Nothing can protect you from me if they’re not kept safe.”
Everyone, including myself, tenses around the table. It’s not hard to feel just how right Spencer is. Kasha might be a hybrid, but from what I sense, she leans heavier toward her fae side. There’s an undeniable power that she exudes, and threatening her probably isn’t the best idea, but that doesn’t seem to change anything.
“I would expect nothing less from you.” Kasha smirks, then finishes off her drink. “Cara, you’ll have to share the room with Peter or take the couch. I’m going to head to bed.” She gives me and Spencer her attention as she stands. “The two of you can do as you, um, need. Just don’t destroy my property in the process.”
Her words make no sense to me, but the heat I suddenly feel emanating from Spencer and the scent of her arousal pieces everything together rather quickly.
Well, that’s uncomfortable to have said right in front of her mother. Almost more than realizing it’s been nearly a millennium since I’ve had sex, yet they’re talking about it so casually.
Before anyone else can comment on what may or may not happen between Spencer and me, Cara gets up as well and dramatically fakes a yawn.
“It’s been a long day for me,” she says, staring more at the table than us. “I’m going to lie down with Peter. You know, in case he has any nightmares.”
The possibility of that is high, but even if he does dream about shooting his father, I have no doubt that boy is going to be just fine.