With him looking at her as if he were equally concerned about her well-being and enthralled with her personally, it was difficult to hold on to any concerns. She was grateful that he’d saved her and that he was here for her. With this man holding her, nothing could hurt her and she would never be alone ever again.
Coughing, she turned her head so she wouldn’t spray sea water on him.
“You’re all right?” he asked, his voice more urgent.
“I … yes. Thank you for rescuing me.”
“Part of the job,” he said, winking at her as he tugged her toward the dock. Hands reached down and Bridger Hawk himself plucked her out of the water and set her onto the concrete. Shawn offered her rescuer a hand and Will Turner easily launched out of the water.
Part of the job?
Oh. Reality slapped her in the face. For a moment, she’d let her guard down and imagined she was Elizabeth and this man was her long-lost hero. He was only here for a job, for the reality show. She knew that…so why did it hurt?
Water trailed from her hair and her dress. It dripped down her face, back, abdomen, and legs. She created a puddle on the dock. The sultry heat of the air kept her warm, but she’d lived in tropical areas long enough to know she wouldn’t dry out for a very long time.
“Oh my!” Mercedes cried out, hands clasped together at her generous chest. Her bosom was the only part of her that wasn’t emaciated. Her face was still lovely, even though her cheeks looked sunken and her eyes red-rimmed. What was wrong with the billionaire heiress? Rumors were circulating that she had a life-threatening illness, but nothing had been confirmed.
“Are you all right, Darcy? Shoot, you’re all wet and a mess,” Mercedes fretted.
Darcy tried to discreetly wipe the makeup she was certain was under her eyes. She rarely wore makeup, but Julie had insisted earlier today. Great.
She glanced down. The dress clung to her, and her cheeks flushed hotter as she realized her lack of womanly curves was on display. She had never minded having the body of a teenage girl until her husband had started complaining about it and then cheated with a woman so voluptuous she made Mercedes look flat.
“That was brilliant, Nick,” Mercedes gushed. “You dove in like her rescuing hero.”
Darcy glanced at him. He looked like a rescuing hero. Being wet and dripping only enhanced his beauty. He grinned at her, and she looked away quick.
A young man came off the back deck of the boat and handed Darcy and her rescuer large beach towels.
“Thank you,” Darcy said.
“Gracias,” her rescuer said.
The young man nodded to her and said, “De nada,” to her Will Turner, then disappeared. Darcy wiped under her eyes, hopefully removing the makeup, squeezed the excess moisture out of her hair, then wrapped the towel around her chest and tucked the corner to secure it. Her rescuer scrubbed at his hair and face with the towel, blotting at his shirt and shorts, then set the towel on the dock.
“Ah! This is going to be a perfect match.” Mercedes beamed up at Shawn.
“Match?” Darcy’s brow wrinkled with confusion. She was to be matched with a military protector for the week to earn a million dollars for her Open Arms houses, four homes in Central America currently housing babies through toddlers. She needed money to keep providing for the children and expand to make room for more little ones.
This man wasn’t her match like Mercedes was intoning. Darcy had gaped over her military counterpart, but that was only because he reminded her of Will Turner and because he’d saved her.
She let herself take one more long look.
Nick. Her rescuer was studying her with those irresistible eyes. Was he interested in a ‘match’? He was equal parts beautiful and manly. A few scratches on his face and a bruise on his right cheek made him look tough. Those deep-brown eyes, a dark beard shadowing his strong jaw, firm lips, and his T-shirt clung to his well-formed upper body. Under his shirt, she spied a round medallion of sorts on a necklace. How intriguing. Maybe he truly was Will Turner.
The necklace reminded her of her own. She tugged it open and was relieved that no water was inside. The engravings looked fine. Covering it with her hand, she focused back on Nick. She liked that name almost as much as Will Turner. He was grinning and giving her a smoldering look with his dark eyes that made her want to fall back off the dock so he would have a reason to rescue her again. Oh my. Why did this man’s shape displayed by the wet T-shirt clinging to his chest and shoulders make her pulse race? She had to stop her wandering thoughts.
“Your match for this week,” Mercedes explained. “Lieutenant Nicholas Jacobs, retired Marine and Captain Aiden Porter’s number one man. This incredible hero will protect you and help you win the million dollars for Open Arms.”
Darcy’s eyes widened. A Marine? No wonder he was so fit and had so easily rescued her in the water. She knew who Captain Aiden Porter was. Who didn’t?
Social media was her one connection with the outside world. She’d unfollowed anyone associated with Johnny, but she did let herself scroll through Instagram after she helped get all the babies and toddlers to sleep at night. She’d seen videos of this Aiden Porter fighting, rescuing, and associating with the Sutton Smith. He’d recently been part of a gallant rescue of Thomas Oliver, aka Captain Quaid Raven, from Thomas’s own mother, the famous Catherine Oliver. It had caused quite an uproar as everyone had believed Catherine was a benevolent billionaire, not a secret murderer and manipulator. Mercedes and Sutton had been part of the rescue too.
“Wow,” she breathed out. “I’m honored to meet you. Thank you for your service.”
Nick’s smile captivated her. He was close by, but he eased closer and extended his hand. She didn’t know if she could handle him touching her again, but it would be rude not to shake.
She placed her hand in his. Instead of shaking her hand, he gently cradled it, trailing his thumb across the sensitive skin on the inside of her wrist and producing a tingly warmth.