Page 23 of Impossible Thrills

Darcy managed to nod, slip into her room, and quickly shut the door behind her. Leaning back against it, she was annoyed when moisture built behind her eyelids. She wasn’t crying over some guy she hardly knew. Just because his kisses were incredible. Because he was incredible. He’d taken care of her and rescued her and been fabulous to her.

She touched her lips. Maybe it had just been too long since she’d kissed an attractive man.

She didn’t believe that.

The really disturbing thing was she didn’t remember a single kiss with her husband of four years that had been close to as good as the impulsive kisses with Nick that hadn’t lasted more than a few moments. What would that man to do her if he kissed her while they were alone and he had the time to really decimate her defenses?

“No!” she yelled at herself.

Shaking her head resolutely, she headed for the closet to hang up her new dress. Maybe she’d wear it tomorrow night.



Nick waited outside Darcy’s door for half a minute. He brushed his hair away from his forehead. He hadn’t really admitted to anything but wanting to hot tub with her, but somehow Darcy had seen right through him and knew how deeply invested he was in her already.

He groaned. He couldn’t pursue a target’s ex-wife. It could cause huge issues with the op, but more importantly, it could hurt Darcy. He didn’t know the extent of her knowledge of her ex-husband’s illegal activities, but he couldn’t believe that she was an accomplice. She was probably a victim, threatened by Johnny Trattori to stay quiet.

How could he protect her and be there for her? He couldn’t. He could assign other ops to protect her like Aiden had done for Chalisa, but Nick couldn’t be there for Darcy, or be with her.

This stunk.

“No!” she suddenly yelled on the other side of the door. He straightened. No to him? Hadn’t she already said no?

Her refusal was for the best. He wasn’t in any position to pursue her. It still hurt.

Her footsteps retreated. Nick slowly walked through the hall, up the stairs, and prepared to eat crow for dinner.

Jagger and Hays didn’t disappoint.

When he walked into the dining room alone, Jagger said, “Crash and burn, bro?”

“Unfortunately,” he admitted.

Hays’s eyes lit up, and Nick realized he shouldn’t have admitted to anything.

“She’s tired. We’ll see her in the morning.” He poked out his chest, forcing a bravado he didn’t feel. “And I’ll get a kiss before we jump out of the plane and after I beat you to her and we float down to the ground.”

Darcy had been smart to refuse him. If she ever found out everything he was hiding from her, she’d hate him. It was better to keep some distance. No matter how it stunk. He hadn’t chosen to get matched with Johnny Trattori’s gorgeous and seemingly innocent ex for this show, but now he had to keep his head on straight.

“Um-hmm.” Jagger twirled a bite of pasta on his fork and jabbed it at him. “You’ve got it bad. What’s her hold up?”

“Heck if I know.” Nick brushed his hair back and yanked the closest food container toward him, revealing lasagna. “How’s dinner? Italian night?”

“Yes, sir. Delicious. Mexican for lunch and Italian for dinner. I could get used to this,” Hays said.

Jagger and Hays seemed to sense he wasn’t in a good place.

“Tell me more about your boss, Aiden. What is he really planning with all this ‘take over Sutton Smith’s top spot’ stuff?” Hays asked.

Nick was grateful Hays had asked. As he talked about Aiden and how smart, hard-working, and talented his boss was, the memory of the sweet beauty Chalisa Anderson in Aiden’s arms came to mind. Would that lady change Aiden’s future? He doubted Aiden would ever let down his guard and fall in love.

Would Nick?

He went to bed early and woke early, grateful there was a fitness facility on board. He found Jagger and Hays in there and they had a good workout. He didn’t push himself hard enough to get sore. It wasn’t worth messing up on any of the events, especially the sparring match on day four.

Breakfast was good. Jagger taunted Nick, Hays was kind and patient, and Darcy looked sweet and irresistible. He groaned inside. This week should be a great break from work and nothing more. Instead, he felt like he was ‘working’ more than ever trying to tamp down his attraction to Darcy, hoping she would reveal something that would help the case against Johnny Trattori, at the same time hoping she wouldn’t because he wanted her to be as innocent and perfect as she seemed.