Hays shifted but didn’t say anything.
“I get that.” Nick had his amazing family, Aiden, and many friends. But he didn’t have a woman he loved.
If only Darcy were any other woman. He’d be pursuing her hard.
The men moved to talking about weapons and he happily obliged, enjoying the conversation. Even if his heart was in the suite below, stressing over Darcy.
Darcy moped around the suite for a bit, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and half-hoped Nick would bust through the door.
Was he giving her space or thinking she was a naïve imbecile and losing interest? She didn’t know why it mattered. She’d already determined she wasn’t going to fall for another charmer, and Nick was obviously too much like Johnny. He probably had a ‘girl in every port’ as May would say about a good-looking Navy man.
She settled down on the comfortable bed, the high-quality sheets, pillow, and mattress reminiscent of her home with Johnny in Torrey Pines. She was lonely and wished she could hold Samuel. Miraculously, she fell asleep early.
When she woke to the lapping of water against the boat, nerves instantly assaulted her. The first challenge was today, and she’d be underwater with some breathing apparatus, waiting for Nick or Jagger to reach her first and cut her loose. What if she needed to swim or have other water skills? She’d watched the terrifying ordeal when Avalyn Shaman went through it and Bridger Hawk had rescued her. Thankfully, Darcy’s experience wouldn’t be life-threatening, but her stomach still tumbled. She sure felt like it would threaten her life. Should she tell them she couldn’t swim?
She showered and put on minimal makeup, brushing out her hair. It was silly as she’d be jumping in the ocean soon, but all those cameras still bothered her and she could deny it to herself, but she wanted to look appealing for Nick. Putting on one of the crop top swimming suits with a bright blue floral pattern, she slid a tank top and shorts over the suit and slid into flip-flops.
Everything provided fit better than her own clothes. Her apparel was four years old, stained, and worn out. She didn’t waste money on expensive clothes or trying to keep up her former lifestyle. The dividends from her investment accounts were used to maintain her children’s homes as well as living and food costs, medical bills, and more. The million dollars would be a huge boost. She would put it into a high-yield savings account that she could access anytime they needed it.
She walked past her locket, wishing she could wear it. She liked to keep Avalyn close to her heart.
A soft rap came on the door.
Darcy hurried over and flung it open. “Nick.”
He was in a T-shirt, board shorts, and flip-flops. The welcoming grin on his face was the only accessory this guy would ever need. His deep-brown eyes yanked her right in.
“Good morning.” He extended his hand. Darcy didn’t want to be rude, so she placed her hand in his. The morning was sparkling with possibilities. They’d win the challenge, then maybe they’d lay on the top deck, suntan, and talk for hours, or find an island to explore and a waterfall to hike to.
“Morning,” she managed breathlessly.
He led her down the hall. “Did you sleep?”
“Surprisingly well, actually.”
“I’m glad.”
It was crazy, this very normal conversation they were having. It should’ve been boring, but every word, every touch, every glance was thrilling with Nick. Was he a player with a silken tongue like her ex? How could she ask him that? Ask for character references when they weren’t even dating? They were paired for this week, and that should be all it was. She was becoming too invested in him.
“I did okay. The boat does kind of rock you to sleep.”
They walked up the stairs and through the main area. As they approached the dining area, she could smell savory and sweet scents. She didn’t like how the staff had all the food ready, made themselves scarce, and then came and cleaned it up after they left. She’d only met the captain. Did they not want the staff in the show? Maybe the staff didn’t want to be on the cameras. That would make her feel better than hiding them as if the hired help was an embarrassment.
“Good morning,” Hays called.
“Good morning,” Darcy said.
“Are you ready to watch me decimate Jagger today?” Nick asked, winking at her.
“Oh-ho!” Jagger called out. “Confidence won’t get you anywhere.”
Nick grinned at her, and she thought his confidence could take him a lot of places, most especially into her heart. If he was genuine. He’d been very invested and thoughtful last night. Holding her close while she cried but letting her go when she couldn’t handle the embarrassment of crying. She liked all three of these men, Nick most of all.