He wrapped her up tight, and he kissed her like she had never been kissed. It was thorough, heated, and full of sparks. Heavenly light, a deep connection to Nick, and a sense of family and home also filled her. Tears pricked at her eyelids again.
Nick’s lips were warm and tantalizing and pushed away even the happy tears. His strong body overshadowed and thrilled her. This man was built to be loyal to her and protect her. The way he made her feel inside was even better than his kisses.
When he slowed the kiss down, he rested his forehead against hers. “I need to go,” he murmured.
“Why?” She held him tighter. She didn’t want him to ever go.
He chuckled softly. “It’s late, and all I want to do is kiss you all night long.”
“Oh, good.” She quivered and went hot from head to toe. “I really, really like that plan.”
“Darcy.” He softly kissed her, but drew back. “You are absolutely irresistible to me. Which means …”
“You’re going to kiss me all night long.” She grinned and wanted to jump in the air and cheer, but that would displace his arms around her and she’d never do that.
He laughed. “I wish I could. It means I need to resist you.” His gaze flitted to the bed and back to her. His eyes were now filled with yearning.
“Oh? Oh … Oh!” She released her grip on him and stepped back, her face flaring with heat, but not from desire—from shock that he wanted all of her, but he was too much of a gentleman to carry her to that bed, and … “Oh,” she managed again, touching her fingertips to her lips.
“Thank you for the talk and the kisses and—” Nick broke off and all but darted for the door, yanking it open.
What a man. She’d never seen such self-control and in the face of how much he did want her. It made her happy and leery at the same time. Johnny had continually pushed her to be intimate before marriage and she’d had to repeatedly stop him. Now she wondered if that was one of the reasons he’d rushed their marriage. She was the only woman who’d said no to him.
She rushed after Nick, putting her hand on his arm.
“Darcy, please.” His voice was beseeching. “I need to go. Now.”
“I know.” She pulled her hand back, appreciating how honorable he was. If only her own husband had walked away from the many women he wasn’t married to. “I just…Can you tell me …” She swallowed and spit it out. “What is it that pulls you away from me? Emotionally, not your honor of not doing stuff we shouldn’t.” She grimaced. “What can’t you share with me, Nick? What’s hiding in your eyes?”
The desire in his eyes morphed into concern. He glanced out in the hallway, at the cameras. She rarely thought about the cameras, but he didn’t want them recording anything personal, which she appreciated.
He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “It’s with my work, and it’s very important to me, my boss, and our fight against … illegal activities. I can’t share it with you. I can’t share it with anyone outside my organization and Interpol. Maybe someday …” He eased back from whispering in her ear and met her gaze. He was begging her to understand, to not be upset with him.
Darcy was once again stunned by him. Johnny hadn’t wanted her involved in Trattori International and refused to share anything about work, always telling her she should be grateful to have an unlimited budget.
She and Nick weren’t officially dating and here he was concerned that he couldn’t share everything with his work. She knew he was a security operative. It made sense that he had to be highly secretive to keep people safe and stop criminals. What a man. She was half in love with him.
“Oh, Nick.” She put her hand to her heart. “I don’t blame you for not sharing. When you’re ready, know that you can trust me, but I would never want to risk something with one of your jobs. I honor and respect what you do. You’re a hero.” She beamed up at him.
Nick studied her, but he didn’t return the smile. He seemed to be analyzing everything she said and didn’t say. Because of his career? Maybe it was extremely hard to trust someone in his line of work. He was probably traveling often for different jobs, and trust took time to build.
That pulled a frown to her lips. She wanted to be with him. She’d lived through a loveless and lonely marriage. She wanted someone she could trust to be there every night. Yet how could she not honor what Nick did? He was a true hero.
“Thank you for … understanding,” Nick said, but he didn’t look like he understood himself. “Goodnight.”
Darcy watched him walk down the short hall.
He gave her one last searching look before he disappeared into his room.
She walked back into her room, confused by the odd ending to their time together. She pushed it away. All she wanted to dwell on was the depth of their conversation, their connection, how it felt to be held by him, their kisses.
Sliding out of the cover up and swimsuit and into some comfortable pajamas, she found herself dreaming of her and Nick having a future. They could find a way to carve out time together, her serving her children, him serving and protecting the world, but spending every spare minute in each other’s arms.
It was premature and far from realistic, but for tonight … she let herself dream.