“She also has very sensitive nipples, and they harden into the most beautiful little buds. Watch,” he says as he climbs up the ottoman and comes to rest next to me. He’s looking at me, but it’s not enough. I crave his full attention. I know he's agreed to this for us, for me, but it irritates me nonetheless. Magleon should be the one out of focus, not me. I shake my head, trying to dislodge these unhelpful thoughts, but this damn blue flame is so insistent. It forces me to see with unhelpful clarity.
I feel the swaying bounce of Magleon’s huge form crawling up my other side, though he’s careful to leave room between us. He soaks up Samite’s attention. He’s practically glowing with it, something I can literally see because of this damn blue light. Samite’s head dips to my breast. His lips lock onto my nipple and his tongue licks me into hot, wet peaks. I can see that he's enjoying it, exalting in the taste of me, but he’s also doing it for Magleon. He's not just enjoying me, he's making a demonstration of it. It's maddening.
And arousing. What in the depths of hell?
I’m a prop in a play, a body here only to be used, and it’s turning me on. I’m desperate for Samite’s undivided attention but also panting and squirming at the thought that I’m just a plaything. I’m here for their amusement.
Samite nips at the round of my breast before returning to my nipple, and I let out a lusty moan. It feels so fucking good. My chest is heaving, and somewhere above my jiggling breasts, their eyes meet.
“I want a taste,” Magleon murmurs.
“No,” Samite’s head pops up with a snarl, but then he hesitates and glances at me. “Unless—would you—would you enjoy it?” He asks.
No! I think. But it’s a lie, and I know it. I can feel moisture pooling between my legs. Samite’s tongue flicks out. I know he can taste how much I’m turned on, and I’m guessing the blue flame is revealing things to him the same as it is to me. “You don’t have to say what you’re thinking, Sofia. Just shake your head, yes or no. Do you want this?”
Samite watches me, waiting. I bite my lip, but I keep my head still. The longer I wait to answer, the raspier my breath grows, and the more tiny wisps of smoke start trickling from the corner of Samite’s eyes, a sure sign of his arousal. I nod.
He nods to Magleon, and they lower their heads in unison. Their horns knock together as each of them sucks a nipple into their mouths. Sweet aching bliss. I shudder against the cushion, my body rocked by double waves of pleasure, and I know it’s not just my pleasure I’m feeling. In the blue flame, everything is clear. Our collective excitement is feeding on itself. I’m turned on, which is a turn on for Samite, which is a turn on for Magleon. It all stems from me, and I feel strangely powerful as these pair of demons lick and suck on me. Our pulses spike in unison, and our breathing goes heavy together. Samite’s eyes billow plumes of smoke.
As their hands join their mouths in fondling me, my head falls sideways. My breaths are just pants now, and my eyelids are fluttering, but somehow, my gaze manages to drift past Magleon’s shoulder and connect with one of the demonesses. I’d almost forgotten the others were still here. Her breathing is as quick and short as mine, but I still manage to gasp in wonder when I see her eyes. There is a feathery red smoke pouring out of them. It looks almost like impossibly long lashes twisting up in tiny tendrils above her bottomless black eyes.
She knows what I’m feeling. I’m certain of it. Not just in my body but in my head. The confusion, the desire, the hot mix of pleasure with jealousy, and the heady dissonance of feeling both powerless and powerful at the same time. Her tongue licks the air at the same moment Samite licks the side of my breast, and a spasm ripples through my abdomen.
He growls and nips at my flesh. My head lifts towards him and I gulp in a wisp of his smoke. I've never done it before, but I'm not surprised to find that I like the taste of it. I suck in another greedy mouthful. He must feel it. His head pops up just as the smoke I inhaled leaks from my eyes. It’s the strangest sensation.
“She is part demon?" Magleon whispers. It's more a statement seeking confirmation than a question.
“I’ve wondered before if she could be,” Samite says, his mouth twisting into a half smile before it falters. “Could it be a hallucination?” he asks. “From the fire magic.”
“Doubtful,” Magleon says. “Tell her to do it again.”
“One more time, wife. Please,” He dips his head closer to me, and this time, I drag his smoke into my lungs. From there, it sweeps up through my head and burns my sinuses in an oddly familiar way, like eating chili or wasabi, something with a kick to it. I like it, the sting and the way it swirls through my thoughts before pouring out again through my eyes, my nose, and my mouth. Wonderful.
“Her eyes! Did you see them? They glowed orange for a second. There is no question,” Magleon says with a firm nod. “Someone in her family line wears a crown of horns."
Samite's grin spreads over his face. He peppers kisses onto my neck, cups my breast, and squeezes it in delight. I feel the hard pressure of his cock rubbing against my thigh.
My hand suddenly has a mind of its own. It reaches down between my legs and rubs quick little circles.
“Yes,” Magleon hisses. “Ask her to make herself come.” There is no rule in our contract that says he can’t talk directly to me, but he doesn’t want to. He wants to tell Samite what to do and have him do it. It’s his favorite part of this fantasy.
Samite’s arm wraps under my thigh, and finding my entrance, he slides a finger into me. “Make yourself come, wife,” he says into my neck and nibbles at my jaw. He knows his finger will get me off quicker, but damn it, he stuck it in me for Magleon, and, once again, I should be seething, but I'm so aroused, I'm not sure what else I'm feeling. I just keep touching myself and growing hotter. It's indecently delicious, and I want more. I murmur it or moan it. “More,” I say. “Please.”
“May I help?” Magleon asks. What does that mean? I wonder for only a second before I understand. I blush, scandalized and excited at the same time.
“Shake your head yes or no.” Samite leaves it to me again, and holy mother of all that is damned, I can’t bring myself to shake my head ‘no.’ Does it upset him? The thought flickers in my head for only a moment. Then our gaze meets, and I know my answer. His glowing orange eyes are swirling with burning desire. His cock presses against me all the more firmly, his wetness smearing up my thigh. I nod yes. I don't know exactly why I want this, but what I do know is this — my husband takes great pleasure in giving me pleasure.
"Wait just a second," Samite says and pumps a second finger in and out of me a few times. I clench, squeezing his fingers together. He groans against my neck as he stretches me. "You undo me, wife," he whispers low enough that no one hears him but me. Then he lifts his head to say to Magleon, “Now you can help.”
Magleon is quick to slip his index finger up inside me, but I know instantly that he doesn’t care that it’s me he’s inside of. He's turned on by the fact that he and Samite are doing this intimate and erotic act together. It's the same for me. I don't care that it's Magleon, only that it's my husband who's touching me, groaning into me, and sharing bits of me with someone else. It doesn’t change the fact that the extra fullness is exquisite or that the way their fingers wrestle themselves into a rhythm is hitting me in interesting new places.
My walls shudder, and waves of heat roll off my skin as I keep working my clit. I’m nearing my peak, and my fingers slow to a light strum so that I don’t plummet over the edge because I want to save it. I turn to Samite. “I want your cock inside me. Just you,” I say, followed quickly with "hurry." I'm teetering on the edge.
He scrambles up from the bed, and Magleon follows, but Samite barks at him to take a step back, and he does. Standing between my legs, Samite presses my knees out, spreading them as far apart as they’ll go.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” Magleon murmurs, his voice thick with a demanding sort of need.
“This is my favorite sight in the whole world,” he says. “Sofia naked and dripping, nothing hidden from me. My heart swells to bursting every time, and I feel kingly like I’ve been granted access to a magical land of infinite pleasure.”