“Why are you willing to risk it all for me?”
“Because it’s not a risk at all. I will never cheat, and I will give you all of me.”
We spend time in a tight embrace, and he kisses the top of my head. “Do you still want to marry me?”
“Yes, but I don’t want the pre-nup changed. I trust you.”
He traces my lips with his fingers. “Let’s go inside. The family is probably worried.”
I sink against his side with our arms around each other, and we go back into the living room.
“We’re good. Cameron trusts me.”
His mom sighs in relief, and Benson asks, “What was it about Cameron that made you know she was the one?”
“I realized I needed someone who was willing to risk it all. Someone who will challenge me and take risks with me. A woman who makes me laugh. Cameron is all of those things but most of all, she loves with all her heart, and she unwittingly has wormed her way inside of mine. There are so many reasons why I love her.”
His family nods. He told me yesterday that as much as they loved Phoebe, they understand that she had many fears, and Winslow gave up things he loved for her, and that’s okay. That was their love, and this is ours.
Wells interrupts, “It doesn’t hurt that she’s scorching hot.”
Winslow rolls his eyes. “Why is Pamela the only one who can rein you in?”
“Nobody controls Wells Worthing… ton.” His words die as Pamela walks into the room in a short skirt and a pair of red stilettos.
The end.