And the idea of not needing to choose between my two favorite people is a welcome relief. Weekends with everyone, barbequing like a normal family, the image warmed my heart. Penny rubbed my shoulder. “There’s the smile! Now let’s go find your boyfriend before he kicks down the door.” We both laugh as Penny unlocks the stall and head out of the bathroom.

While we make our way out of the courthouse, I watch my sister from the corner of my eyes. There is a joy in her face that had been absent before. Since Clark’s health had started improving, so had Penny’s. Every day, Penny’s smile gets bigger and her expressions more vibrant. It’s like watching a flower bloom right in front of me. Like color exploding to life in a field after a spring storm. It’s fucking beautiful, and I’m amazed that I’ve been a part of making that happen.

Tilly is right; Penny doesn’t need me to protect her anymore. The best gift I can give to my sister and my best friend is my own happiness, and for once in my life, that’s in my own hands.

Chapter forty-six


Iclose the door behind me in the guest room. Sam had already excused herself and I found her collapsed onto the mattress. The sounds of the party faded into the background. Joshua and his counsel could really party.

My favorite part was seeing Joshua himself whip his shirt off before doing a beer bong. When I asked if the prosecution knew he could choke down beer like a frat boy his only response was, “Where do you think I learned it?” Not really sure what that means, but I fucking loved it. Here’s this guy, whose wife just admitted to murder, and he’s having the time of his life. If I ever thought he had any doubts about guilt, they’re gone now.

I flop down on top of the covers, shoes and clothes on. Exhausted doesn’t even begin to cover how I feel. The entire day at the courthouse was spent in an uncomfortable seat, every muscle tense as I waited for what would happen next. My body is aching from the effort of not acting on any of my emotions. Hearing how Sam was abused and how scared Penny was is something I never hope to go through again.

The buzz of alcohol in my own mind is a welcome relief, and I let out a long sigh. Sam is laying beside me, no ankle monitor, and the promise of an easy deal with the prosecution on the horizon.

She still couldn’t drink any alcohol; her liver hasn’t completely recovered from the surgery yet. But she had happily sipped on juice and listened to everyone else celebrate.

“Greg?” she asks as my eyes close beside her.

“Hmm?” I ask.

“Where do you live?”

The question catches me off guard. My eyes shoot open, and I turn toward her to see her smiling back at me. “Oregon. I worked at an FBI office in Portland before my Costa Rica assignment.”

“Do you want to go back?” she asks.

I sit up and rub my tired eyes. After everything was settled, I had planned to bring the conversation up. I know that I will follow her wherever she ends up. Not wanting to scare her off, I shrug. “Not really.”

She sits up too and stares at me. “Because I would go with you.”

Tilting my head, I think about it. She will follow me? And to Oregon? “But there’s no surfing!” I say, feeling dumb as soon as the words are out. Am I really trying to talk her out of moving somewhere with me?

With a shrug, she looks down at the blue quilt on the bed. “Technically, there is. I mean, it’s by the ocean. But there’s other stuff too, like hiking and kayaking. I could always visit Penny or Tilly to surf.”

“I’d never ask you to do that, Sam.”

“Remember when you told me you loved me?” I nod, relishing the memory. The way it had come about wasn’t my proudest moment. But I can see now that it was the right time for me to say it. Sam takes hold of my hand but still doesn’t shift her gaze. “I think I knew even then. When you asked me to stay, I meant it when I said I wasn’t going anywhere. I love you.”

“Even though I have no job or money?” I ask, laughing a little at the precarious situation I am currently in.

“I think Penny mentioned something about living here until we’re on our feet. I know you probably don’t want to stay…” She scoots closer to me. “But can you promise me you’ll think about it?”

Internally, I don’t need to think. I already know I won’t leave her. Not ever. There will be plenty of time to admit it. Within my own mind, I am already picking out wedding rings and picturing hordes of children running around our future home. “Of course, I’ll stay here. As long as you want me to.” She smiles and lays her head on my chest. “And I love being here. Your family is pretty great.”

Sam shifts away from me, and I’m suddenly afraid I’ve said the wrong thing. But instead of getting up, she moves until she’s on one elbow, her long copper hair spilling over her shoulder. “They are, aren’t they?” she says, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what we were talking about.

There is lightness in her voice that has been gone for so long, I am secretly swooning over the sound of its return. The hard part of the case is over, and I am the lucky bastard that gets to spend the rest of my life hearing her speak.

I understand that there will be times when she might feel stressed or upset with me, but it just motivates me to bring back the fun and playfulness. I’ll stick by her side no matter where she goes. No questions asked.

Reaching out, I tenderly run my fingers through the soft tendrils near her shoulder and smile. “You look beautiful.”

“Thanks. I feel beautiful…sexy even.”

Oh? I prop myself up, both eyebrows raised. Without speaking, she crawls over to me, putting one leg on each side of my torso so she’s straddling me. Her eyes have turned hungry, and I lick my lips as the anticipation starts to build. “You sure?” My voice is already two octaves lower. Not like I was doing it on purpose. Whenever Greg Junior is involved, the huskiness just kind of comes out.