“And how did the two of you meet?”

“Erm, it’s not very appropriate…”

The judge interjected with a professional, albeit somewhat bored tone, “Ms. Williams, please answer the question to the best of your ability. The details are pertinent to this case.”

Looking around the room, I find Greg. He gave me a quick wink, bolstering my confidence. I explained that we met at a dance club, dancing for hours before going back to his apartment for some “after dancing activities.”

The courtroom’s tense atmosphere lightened momentarily as I finished the phrase, eliciting a rare laugh from those present.

“You mean you engaged in sexual activity?”

Joshua was on his feet again, but the judge cleared her throat before he could object. “Counselor, please stick to questions directly relevant to the case at hand. I will not remind you again.”

But I sat up straighter, the stiff wooden chair creaking beneath me as I did. The overhead lights were burning into my skin, and I was ready to get down from the witness stand if only to cool down. If answering the question would speed things along, I am more than willing. “I don’t mind answering. If it’s okay with Joshua—erm, Mr. Bennet?” Josh nodded and smiled. “Then yes, Greg and I were intimate that night.” Flickers of their encounter flashed in my mind, and heat rushed to my cheeks. On his couch, my legs splayed as his tongue worked magic.

Greg and I haven’t been able to express our love for one another in a physical way since before my surgery and it’s been a little bit torturous to lie next to him every night and not touch. I take a sip of water to distract myself and cool down.

“And you had no idea what he did for work, or where he was from…?” The lawyer’s look told me clearly what he thought about such activities.

“Nope. Just a hot guy at a dance club that was supposed to be an amazing one-night stand. Guess we both failed at that.” The courtroom laughed again, and I could sense the power shifting. If the lawyer was trying to slut shame me, he wouldn’t be successful. I know that isn’t true, and even if it was, I have no qualms about my dating life.

“So, when you found out he was FBI, that’s when you started seeing him on a regular basis?”

I shake my head again. “No. He showed up at my surf shack for a lesson. Neither of us knew who the other was.” I look at Greg again and see him smiling. I get it. I like thinking about how we met too. “He took me to lunch, and we started dating. When he did finally admit who he was, I broke things off and ran away from Costa Rica.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Are you currently seeing him?”

I look at the ground, trying to hide my smile. “Yes.”

He turned around and put both hands behind his back. Pacing the room for a second, his head snapped towards me. “You still maintain that his status as an Agent has absolutely no bearing on your relationship?”

“Absolutely not. In fact, he resigned from the FBI after my arrest. My boyfriend is now unemployed because of me.” I caught Greg’s eye again and see his sympathetic look. Deep down, I know he was more than happy to give the job up, but still, there is guilt over the whole thing. The lawyer went to his bench and sifted through some documents.

“I was not aware that he had quit.”

“Well, he did.” I crossed my arms as I said it, but when I saw the look of caution in Joshua’s eyes, I uncross them and sit up straighter.

Joshua stood up with a sigh. “Objection your honor, there is absolutely no proof that Mr. Sanderson’s previous role in the investigation led to any benefits. In fact, it led to Sam’s arrest, and the loss of his job, hardly a benefit. I firmly object to this ridiculous line of question as entirely speculative.” The other lawyer glared, but the judge nodded.

“Sustained. Mr. Bennet you are not to direct another line of questioning to this point.”

Nodding, the lawyer stood behind his bench, his shoulders squared and jaw tight. A tiny spark of hope sparked in my chest. “No further questions then, Your Honor,” he says through grit teeth.

“Any rebuttal Mr. Bennet?” the judge asked Joshua, but he stood and shook his head quickly. “Very well. Ms. Williams, you may step down,” the judge instructed. As I leave the witness stand, the weight of the moment hangs heavily in the air. Joshua gives me a reassuring nod—a silent message that I had handled the intense scrutiny well.

The judge then addressed the courtroom. “We will recess and reconvene after a short break to hear further evidence. Court is adjourned for 15 minutes.”

As I take my seat next to Joshua, his whisper of encouragement barely registers. I am too caught up in the gravity of the proceedings. My testimony, a blend of truth and necessary omissions had been my best attempt at navigating the treacherous waters of the legal system. Now, all I can do is wait and hope that justice would be on my side.

Chapter forty-three


I’m sitting in the courtroom, my nerves frayed from the relentless questioning and the uncomfortable spotlight on my relationship with Sam. The lawyer’s insinuations had hit a nerve, igniting a fury within me. I wanted to lash out, but instead, I take a deep breath, trying to find a semblance of calm as Penny took the stand. If I lose my cool now, it’ll ruin everything. But I know what’s coming and know how angry Sam will be once Penny’s testimony comes out.

Joshua introduces Penny with evident pride. “My wife of eight beautiful years,” he said, setting the stage for her testimony. His question was straightforward: “Do you waive your spousal privilege so as to allow me to question you in the matter of Sam’s case?” Penny quickly agrees, and he dives in. “Okay then, do you remember the night of April 5th, 2014?”

Penny nodded. “But I’m guessing what Sam told isn’t the truth.” The ripple of shock worked through the crowd. Penny hadn’t been in the courtroom while Sam was giving her testimony. I move forward in my seat. The only person not shocked seemed to be Joshua.