Her face suggests she’s surprised by my actions. “Sterling?” she asks.

“Emma. Believe me, I want nothing more than to kiss you right now. I could spend all night doing just that. But you asked me to wait until you’re ready and I don’t think you are there yet. I want to do what’s best for you. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

She smiles. Oh, thank goodness.

“Uh, yes, I guess. Uh. I guess you’re right. I did ask you to do that.” She seems like she’s trying to convince herself right now.

“I’m just trying to respect your wishes.”

She makes a quick recovery and reaches out her hand. “Yep, friends. As friends, here is my thank you-handshake... For your help with Dean and your kind words.”

“You’re welcome.” I take her hand, but then pull her into a hug. A friends hug. It’s fine.

And in case you are wondering... No, I don’t smell her vanilla-scented skin at all right now.

Not. At. All.

Chapter twenty-three


Sterling and I are right on track with the final two fundraising events. We finished organizing all the items up for bid for the silent auction the other night. And I hand delivered the invitations yesterday while he was at work.

So, today I’m taking a break to have lunch with Peter and Linda. I haven’t gotten to spend very much time with Linda over the years, but she has always been great. She’s the perfect complement to Peter. The ying to his yang.

Peter can be pretty serious sometimes, but Linda’s lighthearted and helps him loosen up. She’s witty and kind and since I don’t live here, it’s great to know that he always has her by his side.

I suggested "Top This! Pizzeria" for lunch and they agreed. Nobody can turn down a good pie. I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but the Reuben pizza I had with the girls last week was phenomenal. I need to have it again.

Peter and Linda walk by the front window, and I wave at them as they head for the front door. I’m in a booth, and Peter has just started to slide in on the other side when Linda decides to slam into him like they’re player roller derby instead of just sitting down to eat. His curly blonde hair flops to the side as his shoulder rams into the wall, but he just turns to her and starts laughing. They’re adorable.

No one but Linda could get away with that, not even Sterling. “Oops,” Linda says. “I guess I don’t know my own strength. Sorry, sweetheart.” She gives him a peck on the cheek.

“No problem, maybe stay out of the weight room.” He gives her a kiss right back.

Oh, newlyweds. So stinking cute.

The funniest part of all of it is Linda is no more than five foot one and a hundred and ten pounds, but she’s a spitfire and loves pushing Peter’s buttons. She’s got bright blue eyes and wears her dark hair in a ponytail most of the time, like she’s always ready for action.

I think Peter said she played soccer in high school, and she definitely still has tons of energy. I’m thankful for such a great sister-in-law.

When the action settles down, they take a look at the menu. No need for me look. I’m team Reuben all the way.

“You guys should really try the Reuben pizza, it’s amazing.” I point to the special on the menu.

Peter reads it over then answers, “That’s a hard pass. Sauerkraut and thousand island dressing... No way.”

“That’s why I thought too, but it’s so good.”

I look at Linda.

“I’ll try it.” She’s always up for adventure.

“I’m putting you in charge of making him take at least one ‘no thank you’ bite.” She gives me a thumbs up. That’s why they make a good pair. He needs her to bring him out of his shell sometimes. I guarantee she gets him to taste it.

The waitress comes to take our order. Peter gets plain cheese. Boring. But Linda opts for the "Peanut Butter and Jelly Surprise." She’s so fun. I’m definitely going to try a bite of that.

As we wait for the food, Linda asks about the fundraiser. She was just coming home from work the other night when Sterling and I were leaving, so we didn’t get to chat.