Friends with benefits? Isn’t that what they call what just happened? If Emma wants us to be friends but is going to let me kiss her like that, then friends it is.
But I know that’s not the whole story. She needed to get rid of Dean and I provided the way. She did seem to enjoy my method of execution though… just a little at least. I’ve heard about people going “weak in the knees,” but I’ve never seen it happen to someone. It’s gotta count for something.
Emma and I are sitting across the table from each other working on the silent auction invitations.
Well, she’s working, I’m staring.
It’s okay to stare at your friends, isn’t it?
She's doing a better job of keeping focused on the task at hand than I am, or at least it seems like she is. You never know what’s going on in that pretty little head of hers.
“So, tell me about the band you ended up getting. I never heard any details.”
“Oh, yes, you’re going to love them!” She continues stuffing envelopes and hands me a stack.
“They’re originally from Memphis but have travelled all over the country. They recently came back to Tennessee because they enjoy playing to their local crowd best. I’ve seen them three or four times now. They’re amazing. They are called The Ribs.”
“The Ribs?”
“I know. Pretty unique. Apparently, it’s their way of paying homage to Memphis’ most famous food. Get it?”
“Oh, yes, okay. That’s actually pretty clever. What type of music do they play?”
She smiles, like just of thought of hearing them makes her happy. “Everything. That’s the best part. I guess you’d call them a pop band, but they also do covers of rock, folk, and country songs, you name it. They’re big into taking requests from the crowd, so I think people will love them.”
“For sure. But the bigger question is… Do they play the chicken dance?”
Emma laughs so hard her entire body bounces in her seat. It’s a very pleasant sight.
“Hmm,” she answers once she catches her breath. “I’m not sure. I haven’t heard them play it so far. Maybe it’s never been requested when I was in attendance.”
I tap my fingers together. “Well, consider it request number one now. I was miffed at not getting to see you do it Peter’s reception. This time, it’s happening. What’s the band’s number? I’m going to call them to make sure they’re prepared.”
Emma smiles again. I could make it my full-time job just trying to find things to say all day to make her lips curve that way.
I’ve gotta change the subject, though. I need to know what the whole Dean thing was really about.
“So, Dean. As a concerned friend, I want to give you a chance you talk about what happened there, if you want.”
“As a friend?” she asks.
“Of course. I mean without Mia or Zoe here, I’m the next best choice, clearly.”
She puts down her envelopes, then looks up at me. She starts to speak, then stops. After a long pause, Emma puts both elbows on the table, then props her head on her hands.
“You know, I didn’t think I’d ever see Dean again, so I wasn’t prepared for him to show up like that. There’s no chance I would ever get back together with him, but it was still hard, you know? He was a big part of my life for a long time.”
“I get it, I really do.” In my friend role, I’m trying to just let her talk, without chiming in about what a waste of space that guy is. I don’t think that’s what the girls would say to her, well maybe Zoe would, but not Mia.
“It’s just. It’s hard. When I saw that he brought me flowers, I really thought I was going to get a heartfelt apology—that I was worth one. But he didn’t even say he was sorry until he thought it was his last chance. Why aren’t I worth that, Sterling?”
Her eyes start misting.
Okay, now I'm going to speak my mind, at least in my own head. Complete waste of space! How dare he make my Emma feel that way. I know, I know, she’s not my Emma, but you know what I mean. I’m not going to let any of those tears fall down her face. He doesn’t deserve even one to drop.
I gently wipe away any liquid threatening to fall from her eyes, then take her hands in mine.