“I am just getting started.”

“Oh, okay, by all means, carry on.” She pulls away a little so that she can look me in the eyes.

“These physical traits are all nice, but it’s more than that. You’re more than that. You’re kind and thoughtful. You’re funny and genuine and you truly care about people, about me. No one else has ever come compared to you. By the time I was fifteen, you had already ruined me.”

I cock my head. “Ruined in a good way, I mean,” she says with an adorable grin.

“And the cons?”

“Well, there were two. Peter was one of them, but I decided that he doesn’t count anymore. I can take care of myself. So, then there was just one.”

I’m almost afraid to ask but I have to. “And?”

She stops dancing. “I don’t live here. And I don’t like long distance relationships.”

I bite my lip to keep from saying anything and feel my head droop. But then her hand gently lifts my chin so I’m looking at her again.

“So that’s why I reached out to my Aunt Susan who’s on the school board at Cedar Creek Elementary School. Apparently, they need a third-grade teacher because someone retired.”

I feel my heart rate spike, but I need her to say it to make it real.

“And you got it?”

“I got it! I wanted to surprise you tonight, that’s why I kind of avoided you yesterday. I’m not good at keeping secrets.”

I can’t wait any longer. I lift her in the air and let her body slide down on mine until my lips meet hers. There’s no dog to trip us, no phones to ring and no siblings to interrupt what is going to be our longest kiss yet.

My fingers thread through Emma's hair and then move to the back of her neck, bringing her closer still. She gasps into my mouth. I need to hear that sound again.

Our kiss deepens as she moves her arms, first to my back, nails grasping and then to the front, twisting my shirt. Her hands are demanding my body stay close to hers and I'm happy to oblige.

I push her dress strap gently away from her collarbone, then kiss every available inch of skin in a path from one side of her neck to the other. Goosebumps explode at the brush of my lips, and I feel her body shiver.

I playfully trace a path along her jawline, but she grabs my face, directing me back to her lips. No complaints here. Wherever she leads, I'm more than willing to follow. Emma kisses me like she's been in the Sahara for months and I'm her only water source. It's urgent, craving, longing. I'm happy to be her oasis for as long as she needs. I don't want her to ever go thirsty.

I wrap my arms around her waist as our kiss continues, fast then slow, soft then hard. We are taking our time, speaking volumes to each other without a word. It's perfect.

When she finally pulls away, she licks her lips. I'm hoping I've quenched her thirst. But maybe I should just double check.

I put one last soft kiss on her lips, and she leans her head on my chest while I run my fingers gently through her hair. We stay that way for a minute before I ask, “Did you pick this song?”

She giggles. “It was my backup plan in case I didn’t have the nerve to tell you how I feel.”

“‘I Can’t Fight This Feeling,’ huh, clever. Were you just going to stand there and let the song play?”

“If I had to.” She’s too cute for words.

My Emma. I can finally say that out loud. But honestly, it’s more like I’m her Sterling. And I always will be.


One year later…

“Come on everybody. Line up so we can go inside.” The kids push and shove their way to try to get to the front, but I give them what I like to call the “Miss Emma Eye,” and they settle down pretty quickly.

The Eye always worked in Memphis, but I wasn’t sure how it would go over here. Every class is different. But it's turned out to be just as effective, thank goodness.

These kids are just as rambunctious as my last ones. I think that has more to do with them being nine years old than anything else. I love their endless energy.