We announced the highest bidder for each item and finished collecting payments about twenty minutes ago. Peter was right, of course. The signed jersey he donated got the highest bid by far.

Peter and Sterling help people take the items to their cars. We promise to deliver the bigger items as soon as we wrap up.

Mia and I count up the total. Combined with our take from the raffle, we’re already eighty percent of the way to our goal. The money from concert is going to put us over the top. It’s completely sold out.

This is really happening. I’ve got to tell Sterling.

He’s folding up a table when I approach him. “It was a great night. We’re almost at our goal.”

“Yes, it seemed very successful.” His response is barely above a whisper. He looks a little sad.

I get it. We’ve hardly talked all night and that’s my fault. I’m sure my behavior is constantly confusing him. I should wrap him up in a hug right now to celebrate how well this auction went, but I don’t want to make it any worse than it already is tonight.

Plus, it will make tomorrow night even sweeter.

I hope I’m making the right decision.

“We’re a great team, you know?”

He nods. “Yep, we sure are.” He forces a smile, then looks back at the table he’s working on.

When he’s got it folded up he says, “Well, I’ve gotta help Peter deliver those last few items. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He starts to walk away, then looks back once last time.

I give him a dorky double thumbs up before I can stop myself. “Yes, definitely.”

Wow, very cool Emma.

With that, I help the girls finish up before heading for my car.

I feel terrible that I didn’t spend much time with Sterling tonight. Hopefully tomorrow will be worth the wait for him.

Chapter twenty-six


Buddy and I are hanging out by the lake like we do every morning. It’s definitely his favorite part of the day. He’d chase the ball into the water for hours if I let him.

It’s a nice distraction from thinking about last night, which I’ve been doing since the moment I woke up.

Emma is acting so strange.

It’s like we’re going backwards, from would-be-lovers, to friends, to awkward strangers, and I don’t even know why.

I thought we had a nice talk at Zoe’s last week and cleared up the misunderstanding about Sarah. But then we didn’t see each for a few days and at the auction she would barely look at me.

And last night I thought we’d be celebrating after another successful event, but she just kind of went home when it was over. Maybe she needed to get some sleep since we have one fundraiser left tonight.

I don't know.

Still, the success of the events so far—how well everything is going on the shelter front—is undeniably exciting. As I watch Buddy, I think of all the strays like him that we’re going to be able to help.

I didn’t get a chance to tell Emma yet, but I’m keeping Buddy. I can no longer see my life without him. Plus, who will give my patients their proper butt sniff if he goes? Things would never be the same.

I call him over and he sits beside, positioning himself to get some pets.

“What are we gonna do about Emma, my little friend? Got any advice for me?”

He rolls over onto his back to let me know he’s ready for some belly rubs to commence. "You’re no help.”