My lips twitch into a small smile. "I guess I should've inspected that apple a bit closer before taking a bite."
Sterling chuckles, and the sound lifts my mood, even if just a bit. I'm about to say something when he leans forward and grabs my hand. His touch is warm and strong, and the sight of his dimples sends a flurry of butterflies in my stomach.
"Don't let that guy get you down, Em. You're an amazing, wonderful woman, and any man would be lucky to have you."
I swallow the lump in my throat, not sure what to say. He's always been so sweet, but it's different now, more sincere. "Thanks, Sterling," I whisper, hoping my voice doesn't crack. "That means a lot."
"Well, it’s true," he says, flashing me a charming smile. "Plus, we’re almost like family—I’ll always have your back."
I'm about to point out that we're not exactly family when he tugs my hand. "Come on, we should head back. There’s still time for the Chicken Dance."
"Oh, no. I am not going back in there," I insist, pulling back. "I've caused enough drama for one wedding."
"Nonsense," he says. "I'm sure Peter and Linda don't blame you for anything. And I'm sure the rest of the guests are having a great time."
I shake my head. "Still, today is supposed to be about Peter and Linda. If I walk back in there, all eyes will be on me."
Sterling sighs, his hand still wrapped around mine. "Okay, so what's the plan?"
I look around, contemplating our options. "Well, I drove here with Dean, and he just left with the car. So, I guess I'll call a rideshare and head back to my hotel."
He raises an eyebrow. "I can give you a ride. Why are you staying in a hotel, anyway? What about your parents' house?"
"No room. They moved into an efficiency apartment a few years ago," I tell him. "You should go back to the reception and have some fun. I'm good."
"Nah, I've seen enough of everyone in that room. Besides, I was part of that show, too, remember? Plus, if you’re not in there to dance with, I would just sit in a chair for the rest of the night. Now, come on, get up."
"Are you sure? It's no problem for me to call for a ride."
He shakes his head. "Nope, I'm driving you. Let's get you out of this dress."
I cock my head at his choice of words and give him a teasing shove. "Sterling! I haven't been single for five minutes and already you're trying to get me out of my dress? Shame on you."
"I... No, that's... That's not what I meant," he stammers, his cheeks reddening. He gives me a nervous chuckle, and his brown eyes soften. "I mean, it just looks really uncomfortable, that's all. You should probably just take it off."
He buries in face in his hands. Look like both of us are phrasing things incorrectly today. But, I like it much more when he does it. It's adorable.
"What I meant to say is I wouldn't dream of taking advantage."
I laugh and stand up. "Such a gentleman."
"Yeah, that's me. A regular prince."
I look him over, my eyes lingering on the strong, toned muscles of his arms. He always had a great body when we were kids, and as an adult, it's only improved. He catches me staring and smiles, and his dimples make another appearance.
"What?" he asks, running a hand through his waves.
I bite my lip, feeling the flutter in my stomach again. "You just look very handsome in your suit, that's all," I reply, not breaking eye contact.
"Took you long enough to notice," he jokes. "Come on, let's get you back to your hotel. It's been a long day, and you've had quite the ride."
"Yes, thank you, sir," I say with a mock-curtsy.
He shakes his head, smiling, and leads me back around the hotel to the parking lot out front. Before we can reach his truck, my old girlfriends from high school, Mia and Zoe, call out to me.
"Emma, we were worried about you," Zoe says, rushing toward me. "We saw the whole thing with Dean. He is something else."
Mia nods, her long red ponytail swaying behind her. "How are you doing? Are you okay?"