I can feel the goofy grin take over my face as I remember how Emma landed on top of me during the wedding, the scent of her perfume on my skin. I wouldn’t mind accidentally falling into her again.

Stop it, I scold myself. She's just had a terrible afternoon, and it's not the time to swoop in and make a move.

I try to look anywhere but at the door she disappeared through. Even though Emma put on a brave face, I know her well enough to know that it’s a front. Not that it would take a genius to see that she’s hurt and embarrassed. A protective instinct rises in me, and I start moving. I need to find out if she's okay.

So I thread through the crowd, smiling, nodding, waving, and greeting everyone I pass. Soon enough, I'm out of the ballroom and into the reception area, but there's no sign of Emma. I walk farther, past the empty lobby and out onto the grounds, bypassing the front patio area to go around the side, where I know there's a lake.

Emma loves the water, and if I'm right, she's there sobbing her eyes out.

Chapter three


I should've known better than to date a lawyer. They're always so focused on winning. They can't help but bring those battle skills home. Not to mention they're stuffy and lack any sense of humor. Dean is proof of that.

Who can pass up the Macarena?

Ugh, how could I have been so wrong about him? How could I have wasted so much time on someone who would behave like this at my brother's wedding? And worse, I caused a scene on Peter's big day. I just hope he and Linda can forgive me.

Dean probably thinks I'm somewhere crying like crazy, but I can't muster up a single tear for him. After the way he turned on Sterling, I can't believe I ever thought he was a decent person. He's definitely not worth crying over, so all I can do is laugh about it. I've gotten really good at laughing about things that I should take seriously.

I huff in frustration and look around, grateful that no one is at the lake with me except for the squirrels in the trees, judging me with their wild, shiny eyes. Looks like the color of this dress will be beneficial after all as I try to disappear by blending in with my surroundings.

The lake is massive, created by a dam a long time ago. It’s what started our town, really. Workers came to build it, and then ended up staying when they saw how special the area was. Cedar Lake has been the backbone of the community ever since, creating jobs in fishing, boating, and recreation.

I came here a lot when we were kids, just because it's so pretty. There was no hotel here back then. But it's still peaceful and quiet despite the development. The sky is clear and bright, and the breeze is so nice.

I sit down on the edge of the dock and dangle my feet into the cool water. The ripples feel soothing against my skin. I rest my arms on my knees and try to calm my racing heartbeat.

My mind is still swirling with thoughts of my jerk of an ex. I can't get that look he gave Sterling out of my head. And I can't believe he made a scene and got mad at Sterling for what was clearly an accident.

Ugh. It would be one thing if this was a wedding anywhere else, but this is my hometown. Everyone here knows me. And now they all know that I just got dumped. It feels like I’m on one of those prank shows.

It's hard to imagine that I ever had feelings for someone so self-centered and full of himself. But the sad truth is that I was blinded by his fancy suits, his flashy car, and his polished manners. I thought he was the type of man who would sweep me off my feet and make my heart race, but I was so, so wrong.

"I thought I might find you here," a familiar voice says from behind me.

I look over my shoulder, and Sterling is walking toward me. My heart leaps at the sight of him, and I smile despite my current situation.

"Hey, you," I say, giving him a small wave. "Are you here to check up on me? If so, you didn't need to. I'm fine."

"Oh, yeah?" he says, giving me a disbelieving look. "Then why are you sitting on the edge of the lake when you can clearly hear the electric slide playing inside?"

He has me there. That song is my jam. I go full out at every wedding reception when it comes on. If I was fine, I’d be in there shimmying like there was no tomorrow.

I sigh and shrug. "I suppose I can't hide anything from you. You know me too well."

"Always have."

There's a moment of awkward silence, and then Sterling sits down beside me.

"I'm so sorry," I say, resting my hand on his knee.

He shrugs. "Not your fault."

"I feel like it is, though," I say, chewing my lip. "I mean, I brought the guy along. I didn't see it, Sterling. He was so... polished. And so smooth."

"Well, you know what they say," Sterling begins with a light, teasing tone, "sometimes, even the shiniest apples turn out to be rotten to the core."