I give him a gentle poke in the ribs. “Ok, that’s enough.” But it feels really good to joke with him. It helps break the tension. Buddy also helps. He makes every situation more fun.

“Got it.” Sterling says as the table pops open.

“Perfect, only about ten or so more to go,” I laugh.

“No problem, whatever you need,” he adds as he turns to tackle the next table. But I don’t miss the wink he gives me first.

Ok, butterflies, settle down in there.

I head back to Mia and Zoe, who both give me playful smirks. Clearly, they were watching the exchange between Sterling and me.

“Let’s get to work, ladies. Chop. Chop.”

They both salute me. “Yes, ma’am.”

We head to our cars and make trip after trip to bring tablecloths, accessories and all the raffle items back to the tables. Sterling does any job we asked him to do. He’s been quiet, but there’s no time to worry about that right now.

The sun is getting higher in the sky and although there are lots of large trees in the town square, it’s definitely starting to heat up. Hopefully, the breeze will come back soon.

Sterling glides a hand over my shoulder from behind, causing me to jump. “Oh, sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He didn’t. I just have no resistance to his touch.

“I just wanted to see if there was anything else you needed before the raffle starts. Or which spot I can man with my trusty pal here.” Buddy looks up at us. I swear it seems like he’s smiling sometimes. He just loves being around people.

I regain my wits and tell my body to calm down before I answer. “So, what about selling the actual raffle tickets at the front. Since the girls and I collected the items, we know a bit more about each one.”

Sterling’s head droops a bit. Now I feel terrible for mentioning it. It really should have been us getting the items together instead of doing it with Mia and Zoe. But as I mentioned, I was being a coward.

I won’t let it happen again, though. After today, we have to find a way to make this working together thing happen. This project is ours. We started it and we need to finish it.

“No, problem. Come on, Buddy.” Sterling turns to go, but I can’t take the look on his face. I grab his hand.

“Wait.” He whips around, but those dark eyes. I can’t concentrate when he looks at me that way. He holds my gaze, practically begging me to say something. I feel my throat closing up, but I push through. This has gone on long enough.

“How about we take a walk later, maybe a lunch break and… talk?”

He squeezes my hand and breaks into a genuine smile, which of course activates his dimples. I’m melting inside. “That sounds great. Looking forward to it. Come on, Buddy.”

They walk to the front to take their positions. An empty feeling invades me as soon as they leave.

Mia, Zoe, and I position ourselves between all the tables, making sure we’re available in case anyone has questions about the items. Each table has fishbowls in front of the items for the tickets.

We’re saving most of the really high-ticket items for the silent auction but there are still lots of great options here. There’s gift baskets and gift cards, framed photographs from local artists, and books donated by the bookstore.

Mia made some amazing muffins, cookies, and doughnuts for the event. And she also offered five vouchers for free wedding cakes. That should really get the tickets rolling in. I knew I could count on her.

We also have some small appliances from the hardware store, patio furniture from the garden center, and free massages from the spa.

The businesses who donated large items even delivered for us. Everyone is doing their part. It’s busy from the moment it starts, with a steady stream of residents coming in. But there are also lots of people I don’t know, which means we did a great job getting the word out to the surrounding towns.

Every once in a while, I sneak a glance to the front at Sterling. He’s being very social and putting on his best grin to everyone. I know he’s out of his comfort zone, so it warms my heart the effort he's putting in.

He suddenly looks my way like he could feel my eyes on him.

He’s been flashing charming smiles to the people he’s been selling tickets to, but this particular smile… I’ve seen it before. This smile is reserved solely for me.

Around noon, the traffic slows down. People are obviously breaking for lunch. I ask Mia if she’ll relieve Sterling, and I ask Zoe to handle the tables here. They both agree.

I watch Mia talk to Sterling and then point in my direction. His eyes light up. Buddy follows behind him as he comes my way.