Emma continues talking him through the details, and this time I keep my big mouth shut. Dr. Grumpy will not make an appearance.
Once she's finished, he says, "My goodness, Emma. That's a big undertaking. You and Sterling can count on me. How about I offer up ingredients for any baked goods for the raffle, particularly for your friend Mia. Whatever she needs, I'll donate it."
"Mr. Jones, you are such a doll," Emma says. "We really appreciate your support."
"And you know the whole town will turn up," he adds. "I'll make sure to tell everyone. Don't you worry."
We thank him, and he says good-bye with a warm hug for each of us. The local pet store, the hardware store, even the art gallery—they all become waypoints on our mission to garner support.
Emma effortlessly weaves together a compelling narrative about our fundraiser, leaving a trail of enthusiasm and pledges in her wake. The whole town is talking about our plans, and we've barely begun.
However, I can't help but notice occasional teasing glances and winks from some of the town locals.
Emma handles compliments and teasing with grace, her smile unwavering. I, on the other hand, tend to get defensive when the joking hits too close to home.
The contrast between her easygoing demeanor and my more guarded response is striking.
Mrs. Thompson, the older woman who owns the cafe, catches my attention. "Oh, Sterling," she says, "your friend here is a very charming young lady. I can see why you're so drawn to her. Guess there's hope for grumpy old hearts after all!"
I don't know how to respond, so I try to chuckle this time and let it pass. She gives Emma a little wink before moving on.
"That's the second time someone's mentioned my grumpiness," I tell her as we continue our rounds.
She smirks. "Maybe there's something to it then."
I laugh, and as I'm about to retort, the cafe owner calls out, "As far as your fundraiser goes, how about we offer a Paws and Pancakes breakfast special? A portion of the proceeds can go to the shelter. What do you think?"
"That's an excellent idea," Emma says, flashing a warm smile. "That would be an awesome way to show your support, wouldn't it, Sterling?"
"Sure," I say, a bit hesitantly.
"I'm sure we can do a lot of good with that," the woman adds.
"Thank you," Emma says. "That's such a generous offer."
We move on, and we have success almost everywhere we stop. The town is coming together, rallying behind a cause that resonates with their love for animals.
Yet, amidst the triumphs, I find my thoughts drifting to the subtle touches and glances Emma and I have exchanged. Her hand on my arm when she laughs, the way she looks into my eyes when she speaks—each interaction leaves an imprint on me, a lingering sensation that I can't easily dismiss.
"We've covered a lot of ground today," Emma remarks, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. "The support has been incredible."
"It really has," I agree, my gaze momentarily meeting hers.
She smiles, and a wave of awareness crashes over me. For a moment, she doesn't speak, and I wonder if she's feeling the same thing I am.
"I'm really excited about this," she says at last, her voice a bit lower than before. "It’s going to be amazing. I can feel it. People are really invested in this."
"Yeah," I agree.
"And it’s going to be an amazing shelter, with you at the head of it all," she adds.
I take a step forward, captivated by the sunlight dancing on her hair. When I reach out to tuck a rogue strand behind her ear, she leans into my touch, and my thumb instinctively traces the delicate curve of her ear. I feel an invisible string tying us together, pulling us closer.
I want to tell her how beautiful she is, and how much I admire her strength and her resilience. But before I get the opportunity, her phone starts buzzing. She glances at the screen, her expression shifting.
"It's my brother," she says. "I should take this."
I want to outlaw all phones, immediately. And dogs that trip you when you’ve finally gotten the courage to make a move. Okay not dogs, they can stay. But phones for sure.